12 Oct 79



Michael A. Bender and A. Bertrand Brill of National Cytoge etics, Inc. issue
"Assessment of Radiation Health Effects of the Resettlement of Egewetak Atoll," a
report prepared for MLSC.

They conclude that their risk

ents are in

substantial agreement with those the DOE presented to the Enewefak people at the
dose assessment conference. Bender and Brill conclude that the avefage yearly doses
probably will be relatively small for the people of Enewetak following resettlement of

the atoll, including Enjebi.*”'

22 Oct 79



In response to a request by the people of Enewetak for theJDOI to consider
agricultural redevelopment and reestablishment of a community on Frnjebl Ruth Van
Cleve, DOI director of the office of territorial affairs, asks the DOJ to estimate the
amount of time it would take for exposure levels on Enjebi to}meet applicable
exposure limits.°””
30 Oct 79

In response to the DOE and the DOI questions regarding whether the
proposal to resettle Enjebi requires a supplemental environmental ifnpact statement,
Theodore Mitchell, MLSC, responds that resettlement of Enjebi was shfficiently studied
in the 1975 environmental impact statement.”

15 Nov 79


Roger Ray reports that NV/ERSPis evaluating a systematic efrorin the in situ
measurement of americium in Enewetak. This error, in the range of PO to 25 percent,
derives from improper use of a soil composition that is not reprpsentative of the
_ actual. If these errors were introduced into the LLL preliminary dose fissessment, then
the data are lower than actual radioactivity levels.

(The calibration]procedures used

in IMP calculations of transuranics data in the LLL preliminary dose

first questioned by Ed Bramlitt of the DNA field command.)


revised dose assessments are put on hold until the error is clarified
of necessary revisions is assessed.”

assessment were

result, the LLL

and the extent

3 Dec 79



In a draft response to Van Cleve's request for time estimates for safe exposure
levels an Enjebi, Wachholz provides time estimates ranging frem 60465 years and 90-

95 years that take into account assumptions about lifestyle patterns and DOE


Select target paragraph3