Apr 76



; The BNL conducts a survey of external radiation levels on Nam tsland, Bikini

Sep 76


The University of Washington and BNL measure external rédiation levels and
collect environmental samples of five atolls. *"'
16 Sep 76

The United States and the T.T. sign agreements granting uge and occupancy
rights to Enewetak to the T.T. but allowing the U.S. to retain residunl rights to permit

cleanup of the atoll. Under these rights ERDA will conduct a variefy

of research and

monitoring operations as part of its long-term responsibility for long-term radiological

surveillance of Enewetak.*”

The T.T. government and representatives of the Eneweta people sign an
agreementthat states that the $20 million appropriated for cleanup
Enewetak Atoll

in P.L. 94-367, the DOD Military Construction Appropriations
constitute the total commitment of the Government of the Uni
cleanup of Enewetak Atoll.?”
17 Sep 76


Fred M. Zeder, DOI, director of territorial affairs, requ

ct, 1977, "shail
States for the

that Congress

expedite action on funding for rehabilitation and resettlement of Enqwetak so that the
DOI/T.T. rehabilitation project will be able to share some of the logistic and support

operations from DOD cleanup operations.*™
8 Dec 76


The Transuranium Technical Group (TTG) reviews data showing urine
plutonium levels of Bikini residents as 10 times greater than plutorfium levels in the
urine of residents in the continental U.S. The TTG questions the validity of the data
because samples were not collected in a way that avoids possible Kontamination of
urine by plutonium soil in the air or on the body and clothing of thelperson providing
the sample. The pooling of urine samples also prevents identificgtion of sampling
discrepancies. The TIG recommends an effort to obtain urine
samples from
representative Bikini residents in a controlled environment but agvises that these

activities mignt cause psychological and sociological stresses to the]Bikini people "of
more critical concern than the potential hazard from radiation.”
Pacific Northwest Laboratories (PNL), is chair of the TTG.*

J. Bair, Battelle,

Select target paragraph3