court order a radiological aerial survey of Bikini. They subsequently amendthe original
motion and ask the court to enjoin the defendants from proceedifg further with the
Bikini Resettlement Program until the government complies with the requirements of
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The plaintiffs want the government to
begin an environmental impact study and the court to prohibit thd government from
reprogramming funds earmarked for the Bikini Resettlement Program.
Marshallese also ask the court to require the government to submit to the court a
plan for completing a radiological study of the Bikini people.»
9 Oct 75
After Martin B. Biles, director of ERDA/DOS, and Roger Rayjagree that the NV

can fulfill the tasks and responsibilities of ERDA under the DN&-ERDA Enewetak
cleanup agreement, Biles designates the NV as the office in charge pf carrying out the
ERDA portion of that agreement.



The BNL initiates an external radiation survey program for Rbngelap, Rongerik,
Ailuk, Wotje, and Utirik Atolls to gather information on ambient ragiation levels from

weapontesting in order to make external dose calculations for pgople living in the

surveyed areas.*””

Urine bioassays from Bikini show plutonium and plutoniym’” levels higher

than 1971 by a factor of two. Cesium’”’ levels from urine are fhigher than 1970
values by a factor of about 30. Strontium” levels are higher by a factor of about five.
This information is provided as testimony during House Appropriations Committee
earings in spring 1978. It is reportedly from an 11 May 1977

Conard to Liverman.™
23 Jan

nfemorandum from

- 20 Feb 76


On 23 January Roger Ray, ERDA/NV assistant manager forfenvironment and

safety, recommendsto James L. Liverman, ERDAdirector of the divigion of biomedical

and environmental research (DBER), approval of a BNL medical tBam "sick call" to

Bikini Island residents. According to Ray, NV is prepared to suppoft this activity and
to assist with an accompanying information program. Ray bases hig recommendation
on requests from Oscar de Brum, Marshall Islands district admifistrator, and the
Bikini representative and the awareness of the islanders’ apprehensfhn aboutpossible
radiation effects because of their residence on Bikini Island.

Liverman approves the BNL visit to Bikini during the regular med
Marshall Islands, providing that the Bikinians invite the team, that

the T.T. government approve, "and that adequate explanation

n 20 February

provided to the

Bikini people to the effect that the sick call is not necessitated|by any radiation

exposure that they may have received.”

Select target paragraph3