23 Aug 75



The DOI! announces postponement of the planned return
150 Bikinians to
their atoll in September for six months pending analysis and evaluagion of the results
of the June survey.”
Sep 1975

The BNL issues a 20-year review of the medical findingg

Islanders exposed to fallout in 1954.

in the Marshall

The BNL concludes that because thyroid

abnormalities continue, surveillance of thyroid effects of fallout should be

10 Sep 75



James L. Liverman, ERDA assistant administrator for envirorment and safety,
on 10 September and W. E. Shedd, DNA deputy director fog operations and
administration, on 28 August sign the Agreement between the [Defense Nuclear
Agency and the Energy Researcn and Development Administratipbn regarding the
Interagency Support for Cleanup of Enewetak Atoll. The fulfillmentiof the agreement
is contingent upon congressional funding of the cleanup.
ccording to the
agreement's terms, the ERDA will provide directly or through contra
scientific advice to the DNA on radiological activities.
The agreempnt states
It is not possible to reduce the radioactive contamination
levels. It is possible...to rehabilitate the atoll in a manne that will
assure the safety of the returning people by employing certai minimal

and acceptable restrictions on land use and locally grown
s, and
by maintaining a continuing surveillance of the} residual
radioactivity....The guidelines for radiological cleanup recomnjended by

AEC/ERDA are based on Federal standards....The determinalion as to

when the DOD cleanup activities have been successfully
will be a joint DNA/ERDAdecision.


According to the agreement, ERDA also will pursue such programrpatic activities as
establishing baseline data for radiological protection of the Enewetakese, conducting
biomedical and environmental monitoring on EnewetakAtoll, and aggicultural research
and experimentation.”
17 Sep 75

The DOD cites the decision to postpone resettlement
indication that a new radiological survey of Bikini similar to t
Enewetak is necessary. The DOD thusindicates a willingness to
logistical support for the survey. Prior to making any commitmé@nts, the deputy
secretary of defense calls for a comprehensive review of plans a
programs that
deal with the residual problems of nuclear weaponstesting in the Pacific.

Oct 75


The people of Bikini file suit in U.S. District Court for the

Qistrict of Hawaii

with the People of Bikini et al vs. Robert C. Seamans, Jr., et al. andJrequest that the

Select target paragraph3