29 May 75


The DODrejects the DOI’s request for logistical support fpr the radiological

survey of Bikini Atoll because the DO! does not have the funds|to reimburse the
support costs.”*
Jun 75



The 1975 Bikini Atoll Radiological Survey is conducted by th ERDA and ERDA
contractor ground monitors because no funding is available from the DOD for an
aerial survey. The purpose is to conduct a survey of external gam
on Bikini and Eneu Islands to supplement BNL data. The intormati
to evaluate potential radiation doses that might be received by retu ing Bikinians, to

provide information to advise the DOI on location of Phase {I hom , and to conduct
a soil, plant, and water sampling program. The NV field survey le er is responsible
for management of survey operations. The technical director (LLL) has full authority
and responsibility for the technical plan and advises and supports t NV field survey
leader. The survey team includes representatives of the AEC/DOS; ffice of assistant
manager for operations (AMO), NV; LLL; the EPA; BNL; and
e University of

Washington. Analysis of samples is done at The McClellan Labor ory and the LLL
Survey results indicate that external exposure rates on Bikini land are highly
13 Jun 75



P.L. 94-34 authorizes an ex gratia payment of $3 million o the people of
Bikini Atoll "in recognition of the hardship suffered by the peopl of Bikini due to

displacement from their atoll since 1946.". This payment is to

laced in a trust

25 Jun 75


At an interagency meeting ERDAofficials detail a plan to cogduct a survey of
the atolls affected by nuclear testing at a one-time project cost of[$3 million. The
ERDA, responsible for the technical aspects of the survey, is committed to absorb
approximately one-half of this amount. As a result the DOI renews [ts request to the
DODfor funding logistical support for the survey.”

Aug 75



The ERDAissues preliminary reports on the June 1975 survpy. The tentative
conclusion is that houses already constructed on Bikini Island could
occupied and
thus would: keep radiation doses within guidelines but that any fdditional house
construction should be on Eneu Island. The survey confirms that rapioactivity in the
interior ‘of Bikini Island is too high for siting future houses. Result} also show that
food plants are recycling radionuclides from the soil. Subsequenfly residents are
cautioned not to eat locally grown foods.”

Select target paragraph3