6 Feb 75

With the completion of the 1974 Enewetak radiologica] survey and the
beginning of the clean-up phase, Gen. Ernest Graves, the ERDA director of military
application, recommends:
| believe it now appropriate and timely to relieve DMA of itg Enewetak
responsibilities. The Assistant Administrator for Environment ind Safety

concurs in this view and will assume the lead within the EHDA for a
Enewetak matters.””


19 Feb 75
L. Joe Deal, assistant director for health protection, ERD4/DOS, does not

concur with Graves’s proposal for a transfer of programmatic }responsibility for

Enewetak by sayin
As long as DOD is active in the cleanup program, we beleve DMA
should continue its role. Until the ceanup is completed| we don’t
know what problems may arise that would need the assistance of the
DOD weaponstest laboratories and contractors.”

7 Mar 75


With input from the ERDA, the DOI requests that the D D fund logistical

support for an additional radiological survey of Bikini Atoll.”
Apr 75


LRE and BNL staff collect samples from Kwajalein, Bikini, ang Wotho Atolls for

the DOSportion of the Pacific Radiological Program.”

Urine bioassays from Bikini show levels of plutonium”? [and plutonium”
higher than 1971 by a factor of ten. According to later informatior§ these results are
suspect because the samples may have been contaminated. (See Dec 76).

9 Apr 75



Nelson Anjain, magistrate of Rongelap village, signs a lett to Conard that
States that the people of Rongelap do not want to see him again
use he treats
them as research subjects rather than as people. The lett adds that the
longer want to
Rongelapese want a doctor to live on the island permanently and
be under American control. Subsequently, Anjain admits that a m rmber of “friends
of Micronesia" wrote the tetter.™

May 75


The EPA accepts the DNA’s "Environmental Impact Statengent on Cleanup,
Rehabilitation, Resettlement of Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands (Agril 1975)." 7*

Select target paragraph3