4 Dec 74


Carpenter of the DOI denies the rumor that coral other than that from the
Aerokoijul and Aerokoj Islands in southern Bikini Atoll is being used in building
construction. The DO!position is that the AEC must be completely involved with the
Bikini project; he urges that the AEC undertake a compreh@nsive radiological
assessment of Bikini, such as that done on Enewetak, as soon as

DOI/T.T. rehabilitation program can proceed with the necessary

ible so that the

radiological data.™

7 Dec 74


The Enewetak Council adopts a resolution requesting that btanley Carpenter,
director of the DOI office of territorial affairs, grant the people of Fnewetak title and
ownership of Ujelang Atoll.”
13-15 Jan 75



At an H&N Bikini-Enewetak conference a Bikini advisory gr up is established
to coordinate activities of Bikini rehabilitation with members from he DOI (Brown),
T.¥. (Coleman), the Marshall Islands (de Brum), the AEC (Biles,] Ray for logistics,
McCraw for radiological concerns), and H&N (Gilmore). The E
is to prepare a
radiological evaluation/assessment from the draft Bikini Master Plart as well as a plan
for an aerial survey of Bikini Atoll and a backup plan for a groufd survey in case
necessary support for the aerial survey cannot be obtained.””
17 Jan


Gates, manager, NV, recommends "that NV be assigned


onsibility for the

coordination of all the Commission’s (ERDA‘s) activities in the Magshall Islands and

that this assignment be made known to Headquarters staff as well as to concerned
field offices and contractors” and that arrangements be made to agsure that NV has
the "opportunity to review and comment upon ail proposals to fonduct research,

studies and related activities in the Marshalls".”””
19 Jan 75


The ERDAis activated.

20 Jan 75


The role of NV in the Marshall Islands program is decided aj a meeting in the
office of James L Liverman, ERDA acting deputy assistant pdministrator for
environment and safety. NV will provide overall management of flogistics support,
coordination, and scheduling of Pacific program-related
activities] serve as fiaison
amongparticipants; review, evaluate, and comment on plans, policy matters, reports
and publications revating to activities in the Pacific; and recommend programmatic
changesand leveis of effort to headquarters. Headquarters will male final policy and
program decisions.”


Select target paragraph3