Jan 77



According to the LRE analysis of a radiological survey

@f seven Marshall

Islands atolls for the AEC/DOS from 1974 to 1975, strontium ind cesium” are
dominant in the terrestrial environment; and americium™', blutonium™’, and

plutoniumare also in the soil from Bikini and Rongelap.°"

4-5 Feb 77


Representatives of the ERDA and the T.T. meet on Kwajalein{regarding medical
care of the Rongelap and Utirik people. While the general medical Fare of the people
of the Marshall Islands is the responsibility of the T.T., ERDA and [f.T. agree to work
together to extend medical care and treatment to all people living on the islands.
The ERDA agrees to invite T.T. medical personnel to join ERDA|medical visits, to
assist in arranging for U.S. doctors to participate in the medical tPam visits, and to

extend the duration of the medical team visits to assist the T.T. inj
medical care.’"”

providing general

24 Feb 77

James L. Liverman, ERDA assistant administrator for envirdnment and safety

(AES), recommendsthathis office establish a headquarters poston coordinate and

manage health and safety research and surveillance activities in the Pacific’”
15 Mar 77

Fifty-six Enewetakese return to japtan.*”

Apr 77


In vivo counting for Bikini tsland residents indicates a ten-foli increase in body
burdens of cesium'” from a 1974 survey and results in an annualfwhole body dose

of about 0.4 rem/yr.

The standard is 0.5 rem/yr.

attributed to use of foods grown on Bikini Island.

The elevat@d dose rates are

21 Apr 77

Hal Hollister, ERDA acting director of the division of safety, standards, and
compliance (SSC), does not concur with Liverman’s proposal to
blish a scientific
managerin the Pacific for all AES Pacific activities. He suggests nofchangein current
management of AES activities at the field level and recommends additional emphasis
on coordination and program development at headquarters."

26 Apr 77


In clarifying the SSC position against Liverman’s proposal,

Joe Deal, ERDA

assistant director for health protection of the SSC, cites serious diff@rences of opinion

with NV. Deal states that his division has been trying to sort out fhe proper role of
headquarters versus the field and to perform the headquarters’ furfction.’

Select target paragraph3