the people take this money." The AEC has also agreed to explaif radiation to the
people of Bikini and Enewetak before they are returned to their islands.”
Apr 74


Roger Ray, assistant manager of NV in charge of the Enewetak radiological
survey, and Walter Nervik of LLL, technical director of the surfey, travel to the
Marshall Islands to explain the technical information contained

in the recently

published Enewetak Radiological Survey (NVO-140) to representatives
of the T.T. and
the Enewetak people.”*
Personnel from the LRE and BNL collect samples on Utigk, Rongelap and
Bikini Atolls as part of the DOS portion of the LRE Pacific Radioeqology Program to
determine the kinds and amounts of radionuclides distributed in [he foods, plants,
animals, and soil of the central Pacific and supply them to the agBncies involved in
calculating dose assessment for people living in the central Pacifiq’”
Thefirst in vivo counting of cesium"” is taken for Bikini regdents. Cesium’”’
values are about the same as 1973. Strontium” levels are down
to about 1970
levels. Plutonium’? and plutoniumlevels are higher by a factoq of five.”
May 74


A group of Bikini people refuse to return to the atoll on ap May 1974 until

they receive appropriate compensation for the past 25 years.7”'
14 May 74


John W. McEnery, DNA deputy director of operations ad administration,
disagrees with the AEC task group recommendations for cleanup arf rehabilitation of
Enewetak. He regards the recommendations as "an unduly restricfive application of
criteria that are largely arbitrary and probably inapplicable” and "rpt in accord with
the wishes and probable needs of the Enewetak people." Mclhnery states, "The
radiological and other safety conditions upon their return should apply to those local
conditions, not necessarily those of the U.S. population with its different radiological

conditions and its greater uncertainties of exposure.”

3 Jun 74

James Liverman, the AEC assistant general manager fog biomedical and
environmental research and safety programs, proposes to MahlonF. Gates, director,
NV, that NV be assigned responsibility for programmatic coordination of the AEC’s
activitiés in the Marshall Islands.?”

19 Jun 74


The AEC task group issues recommendations for cleanup ary rehabilitation of
Enewetak Atoll. The radiation criteria guides for cleanup actions inglude: whole body
and bone marrow-0.25 rem/yr, thyroid-0.75 rem/yr; bone-0.75 remfyr; gonads-4 rem

Select target paragraph3