in 30 yrs. The group concludes that guidance for cleanup of plutonim-contaminated
soil can only be developed on a case-by-case basis. The groug’s
guidance for
plutonium” cleanup operations at Enewetak is: less than 40[pCi/gm of soilcorrective action not required; 40 to 400 pCi/gm of soil-corrective action determined
on a case-by-case basis; greater than 400 pCi/gm of soil-corrective [action required.””
25 Jun


The AEC pays the T.T. $18,212 to be dispersed in equa! payments of $116 to
each exposed inhabitant of Rongelap or their heirs.”
Jul 74



The DOI supports the request by people of Enewetak that fan advance party
of about 50 people from Ujelang be allowed to return to japtan Isfand and requests.
that the AEC address the safety aspects of the proposed retirn and establish
guidelines and restrictions to ensure the safety of the returnees. lverman responds
that the AEC would not recommend the return of people prio to cleanup and

certification because of radiological hazards in other parts of the atoll but that it
would not object to a return before cleanup if the T.T. can assur certain restrictive
measures. He points out that the request is “an extension of w

t we consider to

could be made and on radiological criteria for cleanup" and recom
should obtain the views of the DOD and the EPA.”*

nds that the DO!

be the AEC’s role in the original interagency effort, na ely to prepare
recommendations on whetherthe radiological conditions were suc that a safe return

12 Aug 74


The AEC approves SECY 75-81, which contains recomm nded radiological
criteria for Enewetak Atoll. Meeting these criteria necessitates t t village sites be

confined to the southern islands; that growing of food, except coc nuts, be confined

to the southern islands, and that the quarantine of Runit be contin d until plutonium
contamination is removed. The DNA responds that the propos d criteria are too

restrictive and that radiation standards for the general public are ot appropriate for

the small population of Enewetak.?”
Sep 74


Stanley S. Carpenter, director of territorial affairs of the D
50 people are to be permitted to return to live on Japtan at the ea
subject to four safety restrictions: no visits are permitted on the no
Runit to Biken; any scrap collection and stockpiling must be appr

|, announces that

iest possible time,

hern islands from
ed by the district
administrator’s representative; visits to Enewetak must be coordi ated
between the
district administrator’s representative and the Enewetak basesite anager; andvisits
to other southern islands can be made only with approval of an instructions from

the district administrator’s representative. Representatives of the f.T., the DOI, and
the AEC request that the Enewetak Council express in writing that they understand
and will observe these restrictions, which they do by adopting arg ordinance.”

Select target paragraph3