18 Oct 73

The director, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) pro
the AEC, the DOD, and the DOI on indusion of funds in the FY
cleanup and rehabilitation of Enewetak. The FY 1975 budget should
Administration commitment to the cean-up and rehabilitation
consistent with current uncertainty regarding the final detail
rehabilitation plan." Agency responsibilities identified are: the DOU
ongoing facilities and operations and cleanup


des guidance to
975 budget for

how continuing

the Atoll, but
clean-up and
for maintaining

at Enewetak; the DOIfor rehabilitation;

and the AEC for radiological monitoring and survey. Subsequently AGMMA calls for
a clarification of terminology between “radiological control," a DNA rasponsibility, and
"radiological monitoring,” an AEC responsibility.


The AEC/DBER sponsors a research program conducted

University of Hawaii to study the groundwater on severalislets in the

py LLL and the
Enewetak Atoll

in order to characterize the ground water for possible use by returfing Marshallese
and to investigate the hydrology and recycling of radionucli
in an atoll
environment. Drilling for wells takes place in mid-1974, and sampling programsare
carried out in 1974 and 1975."
1 Jan 74


Host manager responsibility for Enewetak Auxiliary Airfield is|transferred from
the Department of the Air Force to the DNA.“

9 Jan 74

At the request of MLSC, the signing of documents to transfer control of
Enewetak Atoll from the DODto the T.T. is delayed to allow repregentatives of the
people of Enewetak to review the document.”

27 Feb 74


Senate Joint Resolution No. 90, H.D. |, is adopted by the fifth Congress of
Micronesia, Second Regular Session "Requesting United States Conglessional funding
of the Bikini Rehabilitation Projects be separate and distinct from annbal United States
Congress Grant Funds for the T.T. of the Pacific Islands".“*
28 Feb 74

The Special Joint Committee Concerning Rongelap and UtirijAtolls reports to

the Fifth Congress of Micronesia on compensation for the people bf Rongelap and

According to the report, the AEC complied with
fhe committee's
recommendation to send an AEC representative on the 1974 medical survey. The

AEC also agreed to another committee recommendation to supply money for

Micronesian P.L. 5-52 by allocating $20,000 for the first year. Tha committee also
wanted the AEC to pay the “inconvenience money” promised in 1970, and the AEC
indicated thatit "is ready to provide $18,212 for the 157 people of[Utirik who were

exposed....There will be no release of liability for the AEC or the U.§. Governmentif

Select target paragraph3