response, the DO! consults with the AEC/DBER The AEC responds with a
willingness to fund “research-related services" as a part
its authorized
16 Apr 73


The people of Enewetak adopt a resolution that the DOD
the sole agency
in charge of the cleanup and rehabilitation of their atoll in the beli¢f that they would
be most effective in ensuring an early and safe return of the En@wetakese to their
atoll. The DOD responds that it is necessary and most effective to functionally
assign responsibilities for the total rehabilitation process between Hepartments.””
3 May 73

Gen. Frank A. Camm of AEC headquarters assigns the office of Mahlon E.
Gates, NV, the responsibility for a study to define the probable lifestyle patterns of
the Enewetak people subsequentto their return to Enewetak. This Btudy will be used
in conjunction with the radiological report to analyze dose assessment and develop —
recommendations for cleanup.’

31 May 73


Representatives of the Enewetak people, Theodore Mitchell and HemosJack

of the Micronesian Legal Services Corporation and Smith Gidepn, magistrate of

Ujelang Atoll, meet with representatives of NV, the LLL, and he University of
Washington. They approve NV plansfor a visit to Ujelang in June|to study probable
lifestyle patterns of resettled Enewetakese and express interest in a& early radiological

certification and some resettlement of Japtan. NV provides data org external exposure
rates but stresses an inability to judge constraints on a return

analysis of survey results on food-chain pathways.””

Japtan pending

Jul 1973

An AEC task group is established by the director, AEC/DOY, to review survey
results and prepare cleanup and rehabilitation recommendations far consideration by

the AEC. Members include T. McCraw (AEC/DOS), W. Nervik (LLU, D. Wilson (LLL),

and W. Schroebel (DBER). They work with staffs from NV and LLUinvolved with the
survey, as well as AEC staff from DMA; DBER; division of waste|management and

transportation (DWMT); division of radiological safety (DRS); representatives from the

DOD,the DOI, and the EPA; and advisors from T.T. and BNL.”

20 Aug 73



Representatives of the T.T., MLSC, DNA, AEC, and H&N

rgeet on Majuro to

inform the district administrator on the progress of the survey
q@fforts and on the
results of a field trip to Ujelang. AEC representatives report that the Enewetak people
were helpful in providing information on fiving patterns and diethry considerations
which will be incorporated into the radiological survey report.”*’

Select target paragraph3