17 Aug 72


AEC and DNA representatives meet to review available information and
develop recommendations to assist in the planning for the cleanup of Enewetak.
They conclude that actions required to return Enewetak to the TJ. fall into three
phases: planning, cleanup, and rehabilitation. They decide that|cleanup can be
accomplished without interfering with the PACE test series andj that the single
manager concept will provide the most effective organization for thle cleanup.”

22-23 Aug 72

DOI!officials meet with Ujelang leaders and representatives ffom MLSCat T.T.

headquarters about the return of the people of Enewetak. They difcuss the goal of

returning people to Japtan "as soon as practicable" and the minimim requirements
for moving people there.
Sep 1972


The medical survey team is reactivated to resume

exaffiinations of the

Marshallese. This reactivation follows an agreement with the Spdcia! Investigating
Committee of the Micronesian Congress to send a team of independent, international
physician-observers to join the medical survey team and report to

fhe committee on

the value of the medical survey and the health status of the expqsed Marshallese.

The Rongelapese accept the BNL medical services after an international committee

issues “a relatively favorable report," according to Kohn.”

7 Sep 72

As a result of an interagency meeting on Enewetak, the AEC will fund the
precleanup radiological survey; the DOD,the radiological and nonraqological cleanup;

and the DOI the rehabilitation costs.

The manager, NV, is ass{ned

responsibility for the survey. The DNA will provide logistical suppgrt.””


2 Oct 72


After the AEC announces that only a limited number of Bikini coconut crabs
can be eaten because they are radioactive, the Kili council votes against retuming the
entire community to Bikini but allows those who wish to return. T
Bikini families
move back to Bikini with approximately 50 Marshallese construction and maintenance

4Oct 72


According to the planning and operations directive for the 1972 Enewetak
radiological survey, the AEC/DMA is to coordinate AEC policy relating to the survey

and provide overall Washington direction; NV is the primary] organization to
implement the survey; the division of biology and environmental r@search (DBER)is

to assess "the radiological implications of sources of direct radiation and food chain-

Select target paragraph3