17 May 72

T.T. officials, escorting a group of Enewetakese council m »mbers and their
lawyers, and Roger Ray, NV assistant manager for operations, arr ve on Enewetak.
The AEC survey team advises Ray on the possibility of high alpha fontamination on
Runit Island, and Ray briefs DNA PACE personnel and workers [ust arriving from
Scripps Institute of Oceanography (SIO) on preliminary survey finddnes. The Scripps
people leave, and the PACE people remain to continue preparations For high explosive

cratering experiments.”'


20 May 72


At the close-out meeting for the Marshallese visit to Enewetak the T.T.officials
and Enewetakese leaders want an early return of Enewetakese tq Enewetak. The
Enewetakese wish to draw up specifications for rehabilitatibn and express
dissatisfaction with the continued use of their land. Ray agr@es to convey to
appropriate authorities the need for central coordination of all futufe actions relating
to Enewetak and the necessity of keeping the Marshallese and TIT. administration
advised of U.S. actions and intentions. NV manager Robert E.
Miller requests "the
establishment at the Washingtonlevel of a single manager for all fujure United States
actions pertaining to Eniwetok’.?”
Ray returns to Kwajalein and recommendsto Air Force authafities a quarantine
of Runit Island to prevent dispersion of contamination because the Foad between the
dock and the PACE work area passes through a highly contaminated

24 May 72


Runit Island is quarantined and the Air Force orders a cessation of all
operations there. Only minimum essential personnel are authori: ed access to the

island until NV issues recommendations.™
26 Jul - 2 Aug 72



A joint AEC-DOD team visits Enewetak Atoll to survey thosd portions of Runit
island to be used in a PACE cratering experiment to determine necdssary precautions
for conducting the planned PACE experiment or for relocating thejexperiment. The
eight-member surveillance team consists of two people from Ail Force Weapons
Laboratory, three from the DNA, two from the AEC, and one fron] the WERL.”

1 Aug 72


The AEC assigns the assistant general manager for

military application

(AGMMA)"the overall authority and responsibility within the AE@ for coordinating
interagency and intra-agency matters related to the rehabilitatiorg of the Eniwetok
Atoll." Later in August the AGMMA assigns the NV responsibility for all AEC field
Operations associated with the rehabilitation.”

Select target paragraph3