to-man paths." The AEC/DOSis responsible for similar work relating to cleanup
operations. The Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL), LASL, HASL,

of Washington are to be involved in the evaluation of data.”

and the University

5 Oct 72


As a result oflitigation, People of Enewetak vs. Laird (Project
PACE), the judge
places an injunction on PACEactivities. The AEC is not a defendant, and radiological
studies are not affected. The Air Force general counsel recommendg advising the AEC
of the injunction and urging the AEC to use methods in clegnup studies not
prohibited in the injunction.”
12 Oct 72


The AEC Enewetak radiological survey begins. The LLL radiophemistry division
leader is technical director to the manager, NV. NV provides radidlogical support to
H&N for the DNA engineering survey of Enewetak. Within the filst

are suspended because of Typhoon Olga.

week activities

8 Nov 72

Survey activities resume at Enewetak Atoll.”

14 Nov 72

Two Marshallese females, 19 and 29 years old, undergo su

remove thyroid nodules at Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospitpl.’“
15 Nov 72
A 19-year-old male, Lekoj Anjain, exposed to fallout fro

the 1954 Bikini

weapons test, dies from cancer at the National Institutes of H Ith (NIH). NIH
confirms the diagnosis of leukemia discovered during the 1972 medi | examination.?“”

16-17 Nov 72
Representatives from DOI, DNA, AEC, and H & N meet wilh T.T. officials on

Kwajalein to allow representatives of the Enewetak people to ask qgestions about the

surveys being conducted on Enewetak. The U.S. government representatives assure

Congressman Balos and Chips Barry, an attorney, that the AEC radiological surveys
have nothing to do with the PACE program.”
30 Nov 72.

The joint Chiefs of Staff designate the director, DNA, as

manager for cleanup of Enewetak.’””

he DOD project

Select target paragraph3