Nov 62




A proposed FRC statement "concerning radioactive ipdine in fallout"
recommendstaking protective action when annualradioiodine intake exceeds 365,000
micromicrocuries, or the average thyroid dose equivalent in infant exceeds 5R.'”

The Kennedy administration establishes Safeguard "C" upom recommendation
of the JCS and the U.S. Senate to accompanythe U.S. adherence fo the limited test
ban treaty prohibiting atmospheric nuclear weapontesting. Safegbard °C," which is
one of four test ban treaty safeguards, involves maintenance off the capability to
resume atmospheric nuclear testing promptly should the test ban featy or any ofits
terms be abrogated by the Soviet Union."

15 Mar 64


A preliminary statement by Conard and Hicking (BNL) concérning their March
1964 survey of Rongelap reveals that the people are "generally in
health with
no apparent nutritional deficiencies," and that "no evidence of cance or leukemia” has
been detected. Some exposed children, however, have exhibited af"slight retardation

of growth and development," and “thyroid nodules were found in three exposed girls."
These nodules are being evaluated further.’™
1 May 64
Alvin R. Leudecke, the AEC general manager, tells Atajj

Marshall islands that, as a result of the U.S. signing of the limite

L. Balos of the

nuclear test ban

treaty in August 1963, “it is clear that the United States has no present intention of

conducting any tests of nuclear weaponsin the Marshall Islands."

31 Jul 64


Upon the recommendations of the FRC, President Lyndon B.ffohnson approves

the adoption of the Protective Action Guide (PAG), or the "projecttd

absorbed dose

to individuals in the general population which warrants protective faction following a
contaminating event,” and the use of this Buide by federal agencies. The PAG for
iodine’”’ is set at "30 rads to the thyroid."'
22 Aug



P.L. 88-485 appropriates $950,000 to "compensate inhabitan|s

Atoll ... for radiation exposures sustained ... as a result of


in the Rongelap

Bravo. Payments

are to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Interior and considered Jn "full settlement
and discharge of all claims against" the U.S."""
P.L. 88-487 gives the Secretary of the Interior the power to
@xtenc any federal
program administered by any "department, corporation, or othdr agency of the
executive branch of the Government" to the T.T.'

Select target paragraph3