19 Oct 64

Of the three girls diagnosed with thyroid tumors in March
two have had
thyroidectomies and have been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma. The third is soon
to have a thyroidectomy. Estimated doses to the thyroids are [100 to 175 rads
external gamma plus 100 to 150 rads from absorbed radiofpdine.” Pending
documented data, however, the AEC considers these findings "“tenfative.". While the
two girls’ prognoses are uncertain, the surgeonsfeel "they may hate removed all the
neop astic tissue.”"”

Mar 65

Conard’s survey reveals that while the "health of both the exposed and
unexposed people ... is generally good, and ... nutrition ... satisfaftory," three more
cases of thyroid nodules are discovered: two bays and a 41-year-old woman. These
people are being brought to BNL for "further examination and tregtment.” To date,
no malignancies that can be "related to radiation" and no cases fof leukemia have

surfaced. In addition, the people’s "blood elements" have returnad
to normal; they
“appear well adjusted to life on their home island and exhibit no untoward

psychological reactions to their experience.""”

May 65


A study of gamma dose rates at Rongelap Atoll, done byjthe LRB between

1954 and 1963, reveals that the decline of these rates from 1954-9959 "followed the

theoretical decay of mixed fission products from U** calculated byj Miller and Loeb."
From 1959-1963, the reduction was “approximately half the predicted levels,” but this
is attributed to the "downward movement ofthe long-lived gamma-qmitter Cs” in the
July 65


All three thyroid cases found during the March 1965 surv
operated on at the Lahey Clinic in Boston. The tumors in the two
be benign.

are successfully

The woman, however, "has carcinoma of the thyroid

metastases to local structures.” She is given a "sub-total thyroid
30 millicuries of iodine’’’. Of note is that the radioiodine dose
approximately 160 rads, or one-tenth that of the youths. All [hree people are
"returned to their island in satisfactory condition.""”
The Congress of Micronesia holdsits first session.’
Aug 65


Conard of BNL finds thyroid nodules in three more adofescents and two

adults--bringing the total number of abnormalities to 11 out of the

population of 82.“


Select target paragraph3