15 Nov 61

Basing his judgment on studies of Japanese atomic bomb
Rongelap natives, Clinton S$. Maupin, Reynolds Electrical and Engir@ering Company,
(REECo), radiological safety advisor, states, "An exposure limit of 3 per quarter and
5 R per year is obviously an extremely safe limit.""”’

27 Nov 61

Seaborg states that the AEC is “exploring other means and locations in the
hopethat ... it would not be necessary to utilize Islands in the Trusteeship Territory”
should atmospheric testing be resumed."

15 Feb 62



Results of surveys by the University of Washington Laboratory of Radiation
(LRB) at Bikini and 10 other central Pacific islands betwee

1954 and 1958

reveal that “radioactivity decreased with distance and direction" frqm the Enewetak
test site. Thus, islands within a 130-mile radius of the site exhiljited 10 or more
times the radioactivity of those surveyed outside this area, and the [major portion of
the radioactivity was deposited at or close to the test sites at Enewetak and Bikini

Atolls.” In addition, islands east of the Bravotestsite, i.e., Bikar, Likfep and Rongerik,

“contained relatively high amounts of radioactivity.". These surveys Blso showed






alhd'® were the

predominant radioisotopes in most samples; that isotopes such as tlingsten’” and’,
zirconium”, and cesium’”wererelatively high in some samples; ang that strontium”
was found usually in very low amounts.”

7 May 62


In transferring to the Secretary of the Interior the responsibility for civil

administration of all sections of the T.T., Executive Order (E.O.) 14021 defines this

responsibility to include “all executive, legislative, and judicial authofity necessary for

that administration.". The President, however, retains the authority fo close areas in

the territory for security reasons and to determine how Articles 87
Charter and Article 13 of the trusteeship agreement apply to those

effective date is 1 July 1962.'°

ahd 88 of the UN
afeas closed. The

17 Aug 62


Chairman Anthony Celebrezze of the Federal Radiation Council (FRC) notes

that the FRC’s radiation protection guides, while not "specifically degigned for fallout
situations,” can be used to determine when “detailed” evaluationg

and “protective

action should be taken.” In addition, while the FRC assumes that sqmeslightrisk to

health exists from levels "even at or below the low levels set by thej Guides,” it does
not believe a major health hazard exists until the fallout measurements "are many

times above” these levels.'*'

Select target paragraph3