
NVO-213, Enewetak Radiological

Support Project Final Report


"Staff Review of Bikini Atoll Cleanup and Rehabilitation," 3 Apr 78, McCraw,

Noble Wilford, "1947-1977: A-Test Atoll Being Resettled,” Washingt@n

[C78]; John

Star, 11 Apr 77.

Box 9, Radiological Survey, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C96]; Tommy|F. McCraw to Hal

Hollister, 17 May 78, Deal, Box 13, Marshall Islands - Jan - June 1978, RG 326, DOE

Archives. [C97]; Bruce W. Wachhoiz to Mitchell, 21 Aug 79. [C144]

Hal Hollister to James L Liverman, 21 Apr 77, EP files. [Gb]


L Joe Deal to Hal Hollister, 26 Apr 77, EP files. [G6]


James A. Joseph to Harold Brown, 15 Jun 77, Deal, Box 13,

1975-1977, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C80]

Marshail Islands

Robert A. Conard, "Notes on ERDA Meeting to Discuss Praplems Concerning
the Medical Examinations of Marshallese People", Deal, Box 13] Marshall Isiands
1975-1977, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C89]

325. “Memorandum of Understanding Between U.S. Energy
Research and
Development Administration and the Department of Defense on Plafning and Support

for Safeguard C and Conduct of Nuclear Weapons Tests Outside

North American

Continental Limits," 26 May 77, Brown, Roger Ray (DPO) Corres. 184, RG 434, NV.


Tommy F. McCraw to L. Joe Deal, 25 Jul 77, Deal, Box 13
1975 - 1977, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C92]

Marshall Islands

Paul H. Riley to Assistant Secretary of the Navy, et al., 28 Jun 77, Deal, Box
13, Marshall Islands 1975-1977, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C90]

Bruce W. Wachholz to L. Joe Deal, 24 Aug 77, Deal, Box 13) Marshall Islands


Wachholz to Mitchell, 21 Aug 79. [C114]


Wachholz to Mitchell, 21 Aug 79. [C114]

1975-1977, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C93]

Harry U. Brown to Peter Oliver, 21 Aug 87 [C76]; U.S.
Volume 91: 1159-1161. [C94]


"Relocation of Bikini Island People Will Begin August 28," 25

$tatutes at


Aug 78, Deal, Box

13, Marshall Islands July-Dec. 1978, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C185]; Wachholz to
Mitchell, 21 Aug 79. [C114]

333. Greenhouse and Miltenberger, BNL 50797, External RadiatiorgSurvey and Dose
Predictions for Rongelap, Utirik, Rongerik, Ailuk, and Wotje Atolls. [C91]


Office of Micronesian Status Negotiations, "The Negotiatiofs for the Future

Political Status of the Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands," 20 SPp 83, Rudolph’s

files, Box 15, EH. [G46]

Select target paragraph3