
William L. Robinson to Tommy F. McCraw, 27 Jan 78, Document 45079, CIC.


Secretary of Interior {Cecil D. Andrus} to Harold Brown, 5 an 78, Deal, Box


NVO-213, Enewetak R


Victor E. Noshkin, UCRL - 80587, Transurani


Charles j. Treat to FC, 14 Mar 78, Document 47783, CIC. [G26]


Tommy F. McCrawto Hal Hollister, 17 May 78, Deal, Box 1


Paul G. Rogers and Tim Lee Carter to Harold Brown, 21 Apr 78, EH, Box


W.J. Bair to Hal Hollister, 28 Apr 78, Deal, Box 13, Marsal! Islands 1975-


13, Marshall Islands Jan-fune 1978, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C95]


idas i

of the Benthic Environment of Enewetak Atoll LLL Feb 78,
Radiological Survey, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C122]


McCraw, Box 9,

Marshall Islands

Jan-June 1978, RG 326, DOE Archives (C97); "Brief Review, Radiol pical Conditions
in the Marshall Islands", 3 Nov 78, Deal, Box 13, Marshall Islands } -Dec. 1978, RG
326, DOE Archives [C101]; "Summary, Measured Body Burdens, 37 Cs Bikini Is.
Residents", [Viewgraph] 2 Mar 79, McCraw, Box 9, Radiological Su ey, RG 326, DOE
Archives. [C115]
1086, Job 9189, 5470 Enewetak Cleanup, RG 434, EH. [G27]
1977, RG 326, DOE Archives. [G7]

James L. Liverman to Ruth G. Van Cleve, 19 Jun 78, Deal, Box 13, Marshall
Islands Jan-June 1978, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C102]
LL. Joe Deal to Hal Hollister, 23 May 78, Deal, Box 13, Mar hall Islands JanJune 1978, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C98]; “Nuclear Testing-Pacific” [
raphs], Deal,
Box 13, Marshall Islands Jan-June 1978, RG 326, DOE Archivds. [C99]; "Yates
Committee Hearings” [excerpt], 22 May 78, Deal, Box 13, Marshal Islands Jan-june
1978, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C100]


Matthew Nimetz to Members of the Micronesia Interagency


Draft action memorandum, 31 Jul 78, Deal, Box 13, Marsfall Islands July-

Deal P [C111]; james L. Liverman to Joe Deal, 27 Jul 78, Deal P.

roup, 11 Jul 78,

Dec. 1978, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C106]; "Marshail Islands

iological Safety

347. "Memorandum of Agreement between Department of the
of Energy and Department of the Interior’, 2 Aug 78, Deal P. [C1

vy, Department

Program” [Viewgraphs], McCraw, Box 9, Radiological Survey, RG 326, DOE Archives
IC 1081 Radiological Survey Plan for the Northern Marshall Island 22 Aug 78, EP
files. [G8]


348. "Statement of Understanding on the Part of the Governmeftt of the United
States and the Governmentof the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islandg Concerning the
Move of the People of Bikini Island, August, 1978", 16 Aug 7& Deal, Box 13,
Marshall Islands July-Dec 1978, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C103]


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