Organization, RG 326, DOE Archives [C73]; J.K. Bratton to Alfred . Starbird, 26 Jan
77, McCraw, Box 5, Folder 3, Organization, RG 326, DOE Archiv . [C74]


Bill Clements to Kent Frizzell, 17 Sep 75, Deal, Box 13,

Correspondence, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C66]

3 Bikini - Lawsuit

Memoto Guy H. Cunningham, 29 Oct 75 [C67]; "The Peogle of Bikini, et al.,
Plaintiffs vs. Robert C. Seamans, Jr., et al, Defendants. Motidgn for Preliminary

Injunction,” [C68]; “Amended Motion for Preliminary Injunction and Notice of Motion",
Deal, Box 12, 4-7 Bikini - Motions, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C69]


Martin B. Biles to Mahlon E. Gates, 9 Oct 75, Ray’s files. [G72]

13 Dec 77), McCraw, Box 9, EnvironmentLevels - Bikini & Rongelap
RG 326, DOE Archives. [C91]


- Food Diet Etc.,

Wachhoiz to Mitchell, 21 Aug 79. [C114]

309.Roger Ray to James L Liverman, 23 Jan 76, Ray’s files [G73];
to Roger Ray, 20 Feb 76, Ray’s files. [G74]

Wachholz to Mitchell, 21 Aug 79. [C114]


Wachholz to Mitchell, 21 Aug 79. [C114]


Mahlon E. Gates to NV Principal Staff, et al., 23 Feb 77, Deal

Agreements on Enewetak,” n.d., Document 48540, CIC. [G9]

mes L. Liverman

P [C110]; "Final

"Agreement Concerning Cleanup of Enewetak Atoll", 16 Sepi 76, Summary of
Relevant Background for Land Use Claims, Deal P [C75]; Harry
Brown to Peter
Oliver, 21 Aug 87, Rudolph’s files, Letter Files, Letters-Marshall IBlands-1987, EH.


Fred M. Zeder to Philip Burton, 17 Sep 76, Document 48542, CIC. [G12]


W. J. Bair to J. L. Liverman, 12 Jan 77, Deal, Box 13, Marshall Islands 1975-

1977, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C88]

Victor A. Nelson, NVO-269-32, Radiological Survey of Plants, Animals and Soil
at Christmas Islands and Seven Atolls in the Marshall islands Progres§ Report for 1974

-1975 [C71]; Memo from Roger Ray, 7 Oct 77, McCraw, Box 5, Radiological Survey,
RG 326, DOE Archives. [C77]


Report of the Meeting Between the United States Energy

Research and

Development Administration and the Trust Territory of the Pacific l#lands Regarding

Medical Care of the Rongelap and Utirik People, Kwajalein, M.I., Felfruary 4-5, 1977,
Brown, Rongelap 6, NV. [G3]

James L. Liverman to Acting Administrator, 24 Feb 77, EP fils. [G4]


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