
LL Joe Deal to Harry U. Brown, 24 Feb 75, Deal P. [C59§; Secretary of the


Nelson, NVO-269-32, Radiologi

Interior to James R= Schlesinger, 7 Mar 75, Deal, Box 13,
Correspondence, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C60]

#-3 Bikini-Lawsuit

Christmas Islands and Seven Atolls in the Marshall Islands Progres Report for 1974 1975. [C71]


Wachholz to Mitchell, 21 Aug 79. [C114]


Robert Conard to James L Liverman, 30 Apr 75, Deal P. [638]

295. NVO-213, Enewetak Radiological Support_Project
Final Report (Las Vegas:
DOE, Nevada Operations Office, Sep 82) [C78]; PSAD 79-54 Repon To The Congress

Enewetak Atoll--Cleaning Up Nuclear Contamination (GAO, 1979}

pp 7-10. [C116]


H. P. Clement to Kent Frizzell, 29 May 75, Deal, Box 13, 4-3 Bikini-Lawsuit


NVO-158, Planning and Operations Directive 1975 Bikini Radiological Surve

Correspondence, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C61]

(NVO, ERDA, June 1975), McCraw, Box 9, RG 326, DOE Archivds. [C54]; Paul H.
Gudiksen and William L Robinson, Preliminary
External-Dose Esfmates for Future

Bikini Atoll Inhabitants (Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, 6 Aug 75){ Deal, Box 13, 43 Bikini-Lawsuit Correspondence, RG 326, DOEArchives. [C55]

U.S. Statutes at Large, Volume 89: 212. [C53]


Kent Frizzel to James R. Schlesinger, 17 Jul 75, Deal, Bok


Martin B. Biles to Roger Ray, 2 Sep 75, Deal, Box 13, 4-1 Bikini Radiological

13, 4-3 Bikini -

Lawsuit Correspondence, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C65]

Survey-Resettlement, RG 326, DOE Archives [C64]; Memo to Guy
H. Cunningham,
29 Oct 75, Deal, Box 13, 4-3 Bikini - Lawsuit Correspondence, RG 326, DOE Archives
[C67]: "The People of Bikini, et al., Plaintiffs vs. Robert C. Sedmans, jr., et al.,
Defendants. Motion for Preliminary Injunction’, Deal, Box 12, 4-7] Bikini - Motions,

RG 326, DOE Archives [C68]; L. Joe Deal to joseph K. Bratton ani W. W. Burr, 24

Nov 75, Deal, Box 13. 4-3 Bikini - Lawsuit Correspondence, RG 346, DOE Archives

[C70]; "Relocation of Bikini island People Will Begin August 28," 25

Aug 78, Deal, Box

13, Marshall Islands July-Dec. 1978, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C104]

"Bikini Return Delayed", 22 Aug 75, Deal, Box 5,
fact Sheet-Bikini
Resettlement, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C125]; Biles to Ray, 2 Sep P5. [C64]

Robert A. Conard, et al., BNL 50424, A_Twenty-Year Review of Medical

Findings in a Marshallese Population Accidentally

September 1975), pp. 72-75. [G10]

Exposed to Radioagtive Fallout (BNL,

303. Agreement between the Defense Nuclear Agency and the Ené By Research and
Development Administration regarding the Interagency Support}for Cleanup of
Enewetak Atoll, attached to Martin B. Biles, DOS director, to Mahfion E. Gates, NV
manager, 9 Oct 75, Ray’s files; [G72] W. E. Shedd to James L. Li¥erman, 7 Jul 75,
Deal, Box 13, 4-1 Bikini Radiological Survey-Resettlement, RG 326, DOE Archives
[C72]; James L. Liverman to W.E. Shedd, 6 Aug 75, McCraw, Box 5, Folder 3,

Select target paragraph3