- 275.
SECY-75-99, 30 Jul 74, Secretariat, Box 7978, MH&S 3
DOEArchives. [C81]


diation, RG 326,

Stanley S. Carpenter to Dixy Lee Ray, 5 Jul 74, Secretariat,

7978, MH&S

SECY 75-449, 27 Dec 74, Secretariat, Box 7978, MH&S 3
DOE Archives [C50]; SECY 75-81, 24 Jul 74, Secretariat, Box
Contamination & Decontamination, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C51];
to Dixy Lee Ray, 7 Jun 74, Secretariat, Box 7929, MH&S 3 Radiati
DOE Archives. [C63]

diation, RG 326,
978, MH&S 3-2
arren D. Johnson
Vol. 3, RG 326,

3 Radiation, RG 326, DOEArchives [C47]; "Preliminary Pian for Retuin of Enewetakese
to Japtan Island", 19 Oct 73, Secretariat, Box 7978, MH&S 3 Radiation, RG 326, DOE
Archives. [C48]; James L. Liverman to Stanley S. Carpenter, 18 Jul 7§, Secretariat, Box
7978, MH&S 3 Radiation, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C49]; Martin §. Biles to Stanley
Carpenter, 3 Nov 74, Deal, Box 5, Fact Sheet - Bikini Resettlement, RG 326, DOE
Archives. [C46]

Peter T. Coleman, etal., to the Enewetak Council, 9 Sep 4, Deal, Box 12,
12-1 Council, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C86]

SECY 75-449, 27 Dec 74 [C50]; Extract from HICOMTE

Press Release, 10 Sep 74, Document 48337, CIC. [G14]

L. Joe Deal to John C. Whitnah, 27 Sep 74, McCraw,
Organization, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C62]

CIS, 10 Sep 74

Box 5, Folder 3,

Nelson, NVO-269-32, Radiological Survey of Plants, Ani
Christmas Islands and Seven Atolls in the Marshall Islands Pr
1975 [C71]


Biles to Carpenter, 3 Nov 74. (C46]


"Enewetak - Ujelang Field Trip Report", Dec 74, Deal, Box 5, fact Sheet- Bikini

Resettlement, RG 326, DOE Archives [C84]; Tommy F. McCraw to

Joe Deal, 22 Jan

75, Deal, Box 5, Fact Sheet - Bikini Resettlement, RG 326, DOE Alchives. [C85]

284. Stanley S. Carpenter to Martin B. Biles, 4 Dec 74, Deal, B
Bikini Resettlement, RG 326, DOE Archives. [Attached to C46]

Resolution of the Council of Enewetak, 7 Dec 74, Docu


McCraw to Deal, 22 Jan 75. [C85]


Gates to Liverman, 17 Jan 75. [C56]


Liverman to Gates, 12 Mar 75, EP files. [G2]


5, Fact Sheet--

nt 48377, CIC.

Ernest Graves to Robert C. Seamans, 6 Feb 75, McCraw,
Organization, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C57]

Box 5, Folder 3,

L. joe Deal to James L Liverman, 19 Feb 75, McCraw,
Organization, RG 326, DOE Archives. [C58]

Box 5, Folder 3,

Select target paragraph3