1-16 Nov 52



The United States conducts two nuclear tests at Enewetak n Operation Ivy.”
Joint Task Force 132 observes no significant radioactiv fallout from the

detonation of the ivy Mike shot, the first full-scale thermonuclear device fired by the


20 Dec 52

W. K. Phillips, chief of staff at headquarters of the CINC CFLT, states that
"the significance" of a danger area for radioactive fallout for saféty purposes from
nuclear testing "is not of great importance” but that the danger arek is convenient for
security matters. He adds that for Operation ivy the joint taskj force maintained
surveillance of all shipping within a 500-mile radius of the Enewptak shot site and
conducted specific searches downwind up to 800 miles away.”

5 Jan 53


CINCPACFLT recommendsto the AEC a danger area of 16)°35’-166°28’ east
longitude and 10°15’-12°45’ north latitude for conducting nuclear tests in the Pacific.”

6 Jan 53


The AEC confirms its retention of Bikini Atoll and En
tak Atoll for an
indefinite time for use in testing nuclear weapons. Simultaneous the Commission
recognizes that the atolls’ former native inhabitants may have lan rights. Because
the Departments of Navy and Interior are discussing which agerky
will adjudicate
such rights, the AEC "will look to whichever agency it is agreed wif ... adjust claims"
against the AEC. Meanwhile, the AEC acknowledges "that the Inferior Department
will administer the trust territory government in these atolls and
exercise surveillance
over the former native populations.”

5 Feb 53



T.T. High Commissioner Elbert D. Thomas protests the proposed eastern
extension of the nuclear test danger area because the enlargem@nt would include
about two-thirds of Ailinginae Atoll. Thomas contends that removaffofthatatoll from
use would harm the Rongelapese whoobtain fish and other food frqm Ailinginae. He
urges limitation of the proposed danger area boundaries to excluge Ailinginae and
all other Marshall atolls and islands except Bikini and Enepetak.
recommends an eastern danger area boundary of 166°17’."'

2 Apr 53


The AEC enlarges the PPG to include Bikini as well as En

28 Apr 53


Brig. Gen. K. E. Fields, AEC director of military application, stablishes a new
danger area around the Pacific Proving Grounds of 160°35’-166°16 past longitude by
10°15’-12°45’ north latitude.”

Select target paragraph3