20 Jul 51


At Enewetak the AEC is represented through the Santa FelOperations Office
by H&N. H&N performs the AEC post-Greenhouse "roll-up,"
Including reducing
residual radioactivity somewhat by bulldozing surface dirt away frpm shot areas.”
31 Aug 51

Congress appropriates funds to the Department of the intBrior (DOI) for the
FY 1952 for expenses of the high commissioner and the T.T. and for grants to the
T.T. for support of governmental functions. In addition, Congress futhorizes the T.T.
to make purchases through the General Services Administration an permits transfers
of excess Navy Department property to the Secretary of the Interiar for administering
the T.T. (Public Law (P.L.) 82-136).

25 Sep 47 - 17 Aug 51


The Navy Department's Bureau of Yards and Docks is designated in 1947 as
the representative of the AEC to obtain title to land at Enewetak.
The Bureau asserts

that the AEC should pay the Enewetak natives $515,360 for the Iknd area of which

they were historic owners until their December 1947 removal. The AEC contendsthat

payment should be made only after proper establishment of claifns based on land
ownership. As of August 1951 no such claims have yet been
Ibdged against the
28 Sep 51


Congress appropriates $1,772,000 to the Navy to acquire fand for yards and

docks facilities in the T.T. (P.L. 82-155).??
27 Apr 52

A delegation, including former Sen. Elbert Thomas, high commissioner of the
T.T., discusses the plight of the Bikinians with AEC Chairman
G@rdon Dean. The
delegation seeks a better place for the Bikinians to live becausa@ Kili lacks fishin
opportunities and cannot receive supplies during at least four mogths of the year.

12 Sep 52


The AEC concludes tentatively that the natives now living [pn Kili cannot be
moved to Bikini because although Bikini "is in all probability quitq inhabitable from

the radiological point of view," the atoll satisfies operational r@quirements for a

possible supplementary site.™

Oct 52



The Navy transports 169 Ujelang people 100 miles farther away from

Enewetak for a temporary relocation as a precaution before Opegation Ivy nuclear


Select target paragraph3