7 May 53

Gen. K. E. Fields, director of military application, informa the AEC general
counsel that the DMA "has always held that there is no need for purchasing or
leasing” the land used at Enewetak and Bikini Atolls for weapon tegting. He explains
that with current AEC use of these atolls through agreement with the Navy and DOI,
"We maintain possession to a sufficient degree" to conduct the AffC testing without

26 Jun 53


Adm. A. W. Radford, commander-in-chief of the Pacific fleet,Istates that, based
on Ivy experience, the aerial survey could be greatly reduced during Castle and that

atolls in the Marshall Islands that lie within a potentially hazardou&
radius from the
test site would require individual surveillance by the aerial techniqte.“
21 Oct 53



Gordon Dunningof the AEC discusses safety precautions fog the Castle series
with the observation that the "main objection to evacuation is the figh cost and the
logistic problems presented in supporting such an operation." Edvard Heller of the

JCAE reports that this matter will be discussed with Dr. John C. Bhgher, director of

the AEC division of biology and medicine (DBM) when hereturns from his vacation
in mid-November.“

31 Oct 53


In its preliminary radiological safety plan for the Castle semes the joint task
force does not expect to evacuate native populations before the
Cistle series. The
rationale for not conducting such evacuations is based on February [1953 discussions
between cognizant headquarters sections, radiological documengation from ivy,
"apparent unrealism in the assumption of health hazards of a magnjtude conjectured

for Ivy,” a policy of financial austerity for FY 1954, and the unavailatiility of task force
equipment for evacuations. The plan states, "However, consideration of populated
islands will be one of the major factors influencing the decision tofshoot."
Commenting on the proposals, H. G. Hopwood, chief [pf staff for the
CINCPACELT, advises the CINCPACFLT that the upwind populated arpas “presentleast
concern since they are situated in a potentially safe region" but] that the "cloud
tracking within the danger area will not provide information usefull to CINCPACFLT
in the discharge of his responsibilities for the safety of other units and populated
islands of the Pacific. . . . In the remote circumstance that

exfreme post shot

conditions develop a necessity for the temporary evacuation of any populated island
in the Marshalls, units of JTF-7 would be required to accomplish this emergency
measure upon the request of CINCPACFLT."”

Select target paragraph3