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(2) Tn2 islana ena surroundine .eter tears witun fisn, turtles







Ronccri«x Atoll:

(1) Tne snip cia not atterst russi-2 inte the atoll cecsuss of
une poor navigational aids available. It 1s n2L1eveqa taut a Snailo. drat
YVeS93oh SNOuLU sAusKisncs Very Little GiLsicuity in using EcSSdeu,

(2) SméLt Boat2rnr is rouch, out not aancersus.

Jxtrere cers

scoula Ss exercised when approaching Eocx Islinc as tiny coral heads ars
prasent ano ths watsr is very shallow.

S2linjins2 Atoll:

(i) Only gmall cozt antry sas mada.

have vary Little difficulty making entry.

A snéllo. drart vessel should

Navigational cuts were very poor,

(2) Srall boating »as rough but not dangerous.

Utirix Aton:

(1) The four beacons shown on HO chart 6023 have been replaced
oy two black buoys. It is understood that the Trust Territory AKL makes reguLar entry into Utirik Atoll through Utirik Passage. The beacons on and

around Utirik Island are missing.


nould be


(2) Small boating is not difficult, but 2 snaro watch

maintained for coral heads.

Recommendations and Sunmary:

a. Survey of these atolls from a DDZ type vessel is somewhat inefficient
in that Rong2lap is the only atoll, of the five visited, that can be enterad
and navigated safely, thus limiting the number of islands that cen be ccverad

in @ given time.
Boat handling operations outside the atolls were difficult
due to heavy swells. ‘ith the forces available, it is belizved that the use

of a Dus is the most practicable solution for similar missions.
subsecuent to "CASTLI",

crart be used.

For operations

it is recommended that a smaller class ship of snallow

This would permit entry into most lagoons snortening boat runs,

in som2 cases twenty miles.

Select target paragraph3