10 March 1954

(1) Sifo Island:
(a) Native propvsrty, left sy people who were visiting from
Rougelap Island, was protected ezrinst the weather. “All clothing, tools,
atc, were placed inside a canvas shelter on top of dried polm fronds, ond


covered with additional canvas.

4 thirty foot sailing schooner was moved to 2 safe onchor-

age in the lea of Zniustaxku Islond. The boat was anchored in a santy spot
in tha evant that it snould sink,
J3eachinzg was impracticable dus to the
Limited time availsole.


Enibuk Island:




Native property secured, intensity levels taken,

Bokoniknairu Island:



Uninh2ditated - intensity levels token.

wavigetion ond generel information:


Bongelep. stoil:

Entrance can be made quite readilw tnrroush South Pass and lorth

e2st Pass, Vest Pass shows quite olainly, nowevir, no Dass2zgé WAS attemptcd
because soundings are not siequate, Unvigationnl fixes,
using tonzints were


The Small 3eat Passise in the Horthwest part of tas atoll is ditficwls

SO $2@ soni .presrs to ba very dangerous when heavy swells ara rucning,

(2) Landings can de readily made on all islands by motor whalebdoat.
On: most of tne islands the beach gradisnt was quite steep, pornitting easy
22 neniof Do2tS.
f£ sharp lockout showed b2 maintained at ell times for
coral heads amd dark, yellow, or dark green, woter snould be avoided,


Bikar .toll:



Bikar Island Fass2za is very difficult to find ond passase

tnrougn the lagoon is difficult even for 2 small boat. A landing was
made with very little difficulty in the lee of Bikar Island 2t low tida,
It was found advisable to put the bow of the boat s2gninst the reef, which
rises steeoly at low tide, end let the party wade ashore. The water is
only kmec csep at this period of the tide. Sackwash from the reef should


os carefully watened,


Select target paragraph3