velyed rudiation cases 20 to 590 tines,
apher Geen that witels Orfecered toe
‘eracuntisn rear Three Btee Tafa.
AR otr hesring in Salt Lake City, Bs.
“ abetCatalan whe had grown up ia
Crorge, Utaty, and whose father had
died of Joukomla, expressed quite pofyne
antls the fecltings of raany of those who
livad in the adected wrens:

these testes:. “gee


see recoriet.fork

fc. President,1under the herecesh!nor
Senator Crausrox, the chatrnut of me
Comnaiittes or Veterans’ Afaits, aid alc
my very able collengus ot. tho Subeam.

ducts thes nuclear tectlie

where records are ineomnlete DOD witt

thre Baalor nid Taman Resources Camnitittes, I helleva a thorough esxantiantion

Finally, Mr. artratlteggortearsn.4,

the Senate passed naprevition ception
HOt Of TLR. 2uk2), thataceuld tirert fat
milter on Mealth and Sscienttiic Re- (De “NIOKES camnption=Insacthes 6163
search, UiVeternns’ Affatra Comntnitice finda of the Internal events Cade be
hele ‘hearinzs on June 20 whiels fociset used to focate Amd contact induvstala
LTdan'c feal Bister * * * but I feat used. I feut on the probiems that vetorans and their: tha may have been expesed ta radi .tion
like we Ghd whnt tre were asked to da by the survivors experionee in pressing their or other hazardots substances, such 32
tha chermfesl dioxin in Agent Orange, as
Goveeninant, ead tha counmunlty went sil claim: for VA disublilits benefits basad
. oe, Aud in return, Wh were ed, Ke Weed on exposure ta radiation during atomic ®& resull of thelr servien in the tS.
ecouned They kaew. They kuev, and they tests. Senator Casxsatow said then—and
Ariaed Yorces Io orcter ta facikitats cruGit not tet us Awd I feet thas hed thoy I cencur—that thera can be mo doubt ck:al JaHowup studies reintings ta the
told us * * "‘peaple would hays cooperated, that the Pedeent Government today has lring-terin healt effects of such cxDut K fea) thet we a a tigat to knovw.
a compiling rmoral responsiblliiy toa do prysuare,
Rr. President, wo legisfation can com- everything possible to facilitate the presMr. President, 2 ieent deal reonins ta
piesaly3recti2y thewFOnES that have been erfation of VA disabillty ard daath be done to hasure that claims of veteran
feed against ttat3 FrToO'NN of Arneri- . ctaltes related to nuclear weapons test- pyustenr tes parlicipents are treated
can waezons, Iowaver, tha tegistation I
equitably by the VA. Lenethy delays in
Mr, President, willl very recenti:, te the cinieis review process must still be
ara intrediuclsg today ntterapts ta do all
that can be dere 90 years after the VA has clearly not done cnouch In the éEminated, VA honefits conuselers mist
fack and tries fo muarautas that it can wey of syshomatic cifarts to mssist vet- recelve batter Lratulus to uae the progr.
emins and thelr survivers in Ube clvins dares necessary to help veterans and
never hapoett egain,
Firsh of ett, if wold est teh p Just process. Nevertheless, somo protress has their survivors "e sselap Ehair eluins 2a
scheme ef cenmmens“ for those In- bern made towed Ineprovament dn the tlraraierhly as Dossible, arnt fallueun réangling of rmaliation claims by the VA, sSeuren studies mitst ge camplesed, In ad.
‘ivtdealg who ceded In tie affected
First, the VA und DOD have furniual- dithear, the VA rmiust make sure that is)
neens ducing the ieee of testing anfa
med anit frmproredt precedures for fae conmlloiont is actualy folfbedd ta pee
who dled from, heya vr have bad a rad
atlon-reInted cancer: for those individ ves*iation of Service personnel porticl- eos on a prlority basis, raiation-rcinted
ats who were in uranium res|dire nation In ntomln tests, alt Mester test
ehilins that invelve very serioHinecers,
tne the period of time whan the
amie rehuted clans whieh have been proviAlso, viter tha lenisiqn§inn dhat Ioem
outiy deaied whl be re-reckesed puc
Ceremissian was tha ionYeive
betrocdicditec tocag is being scansiderad by




obeer siniteaereinted discase; nv] for

those ranchers whose Bazep Gisd ast

resus Of expasace to the raciation. Hf tan,
Indietduat sn2ets (nese reantroements,~
thets coitd ba au lerebaladta presumptins, titas tha dameges ellened were
twiaen by exapistira to radiatien or
uUnamicun Pha couvt cwotdd then deter

rkae Gin ginraint ef Catanies te wiilet

the bietest

Lis cly esposute. Tn addition, ao rece ystructed expostire estisvale win De rads

a pranytty as peanthle, at the VA's pe.
aetot, for each failure or yeild chert





roacti:hiou eonaserea, Atso, the Ya ties
isotcd lustrpeticus ta nll of fis fetites

extatiishiige rutdeiines fee heipint vet
cieus develop rodatloperehiedt elstsars,
“hese fastructions cdelall procedures for

the fn
aealts eatitie,
Tae, Presiden’, To boiieave tb is franerct- vOebiinee rolesane Oiformatlena abet ss
mL ott wmbind ¢oul Rep prere@enb for thts: Qveteroys gruclicipation laa test said poa-

of thea provetiures far radiation-related
lites urmler tive Federal! oe :

Compeusation Act (4 waretated to irserce

flieh acy clolnie frothe 103.006 csithiy
eanoye:es whan irilelpated In (ue fost
teytSoe pracwa: tere LotiHeancid expedie

Bonely sua Sat these indisiklaats have

besnaak with is betas taderiiighin






poset to radinttou. f:Lowt iroet n- US,
Shes armecet Cobunation
‘Aloll fac ios, Pudstice Bawene WIS
conetent - bs compensnte these people.
Subseatently, the tntivitunis bean to
asiiffer feo Bhyrofeé esoecerand etier che

fuses, wid br 77 Coreress enacted Pub-

Ne Lavy 95-7934, which provided adel-

wits chain, even if those estumates ere
higher than setual hades rencdiness,
Secowl the VA and the Department af
Hawitt, Edvenation, and Welfare tee
agreed ta devcloo ated pubis: pengeatiy

nadog: provi:signrs



Pistia tion Secours Cornnensition fet oe,
3970 word uultariza Lhe Seergstere.oa if

vite for we ef credits esthantes of radis
of me
Arants of the LiarsnaltToland:wero es~ Ierbwu exposia adiwdicatine a veter- sultingFeara
Ievdalitieon. Oka Maren 1) 1854,



er bupperk a Sayaren




' 5
as . US Gee
GSATcescf the Jash 23
sears dea
created far sclontists HY ciints
re inhme
tos fn Chat part of the eountrys Piraat

hoeegAed medion’ pebneiplea cancemming
ractvtionerehated fiwecseg.
ecnirds DOM hiss tasentsteps io motify

onete ta (he tosk atte. As the dehate shout
prelenr enency continues, it is imnertant that we learn ts nich 3 we ’4“ny

cna hive.Séeigposuee orenords incdieate
vlmoy receiver: do excess of Sircmethe
“Yedben at statslerd for anmeead ¢ apMoure fo

tie ta rrtiantlon., Bitedy pool war ns
alrerdys heen beet, principally at tie
Unversity of Ubab, and 2 re rciety a:



omcotanensation for tie: penazls al ptibke Listen }wurblcipnate. wh oar: Janes ery aheal Ure choets en hurcans ef cxtity

ris Jstanes3. Io btiteve that we shoud

Soy tans same see of resnenslouily
ne crrapecsion for eur oewit cibiens,
Ram eles conccenel phontt Boe beoeday
ftutniigatlons far Uhe nore 200,000
Unifatimed servlee personnel gad
15, ah exiuployces of the locpirtment of

Dietecee and tie Atealc Mecrey Cen”

radiation eh furtinin the Peteratendiae

atswhe wore destigd Alia bagsed or ear
tend Cee bo fers tert3wo nuh ponies
e Creumaiy

Himes thesecae Vite WERE Dr
“tboutye boa pinitwitter thon to cick
ribreceivid nivede rin
poms aoe of radi lon, Ditendy Jneaesas a vebernins frat Wer |e gurvivocs
Rat Theat ehirbioct spt ty the NoteruisAd.
satiety har fay el AMIty teeftion tea cel


wonte hasan:por bind beythis lecisls HoC2

Ciats protesttva gatkdsines. ort ee ea fas th e next
S yanrsi uyne
Mu ea
tetedieWhe taccanfack WOM fleece heres
wliat hems etraads les.esot"atsnetex te
excinenation: ab THOp- Sx PAT he |e meatineet tO Or,sooner hit Sruriettagt

aeont: ihenblosy cited mediorteae

in vwmt memos? WHR reper $ on ans
ntostoan apo pertictontcd four atLOND chilan onntaress and Atosie
reesoliedis te:“tine program,
Cotaininsita-. emplevecs via
Sata Despastiment of Dotfende repairs
Rich af Proce wiadformed Served pero rere tosh geetlelocyts gd recetiend rat
om et ee tote

ee ge


recomstruct mn estimate of


sr ef uranium and who have cied
from, hava er have bad lung caneer or

Galion cases fa excrss of §-1renr
Rosi th, Ins neces) to pantie gadbtiely

that for RIATY FORTS we Taste sttaarted

tiri:Hstion gyorniiin tog expeatre upd
Geet ify ablbor put of par Pheiy ete
rant aes heme as rationed ser sbrrahes Gy
footer taisect,
Bt PVN begs perecel tee bectraiae



eHorts ty the Japanese Covernmeant toes
study the luag-ternt fiesnlth eerte tta ti: nae
4 :
pomilations of Nagastkl and Hiseti
siiece ths bombiuys at the endl of Word

War It We eurrendtly the nd ApBrgA
nately S$? miliion a year on that ”

bvadtstne any decoment ar seelin af modeMEN,

Cosurmen t that rebutes ta Bee LED pie



thn Inatsiatibitwvoinnd sls o braced. he

bow bbw
Gb gard)


Select target paragraph3