aoeCONC E5SIONAL RECORD “SENATE geet LhyA “oy Me LEMIY {tor Niassa ft Mee ‘crament ecbinera F cumsratly: herately Watctra, bir. L.ttcan, aud hz. Rin. nvinimized the health aml elevts of stows Ore¥It} ¢ ee G8 ey from the aitorphere teats. Wo hove 8.2260, A LIT te prockty for the Instattn« learied that the Amerizan people vere ot at telecurununieations Cetires for tha nob Intermed of the evidence that we3 Geaf dn ngenctea ot Federnl, State, ated focal KRoresaments, hia qhcow of Batste-rn ef Cou. trathered aloul the uncertainty: otMe 1k A sina ean ss oe> Toil amy HD ee Yad. foe nermunent promotion. tothe eotdo of chief wnrrant offcer, W-3 (list re‘ruing with Daniel W. Adcock), 1,615 porn; comzuaders for permenant PREUGUIN fo that grade (ist baginning owl's Chacies Stevenson AbDSett) ssul 23 neminatlans fur promotion to the craca af Corniancer and below (st besinning with Thamas W. Conta); fa'the Marine + hems HAREatin Stectehc | Carps, NM: Sct. Timothy W. Foley is ap- . STV ew +e sy peinted to tha, grade of Mest toulenart nnd in tha Marine Corps Reserve there are i930 appelrtsterts to the grede of Hevtenatnt colonel QCist bein nis winPant J. Attano): ond, 1 the Reserve me Aly Pores there ore 548 otfcercs for prornotion to the grade of Nenutenant colonel CUst beginning with Victor ©. Abraham, Jr.) and in the Ale Hatlencl Gres there are 55 officers for Maly’ ae 2 a promotion in the Reserve of the Als Porce to the grade of leutenent colonel Qist beginning with Maj. WHey I. Ashles, dro: Since thee tinines Haye alcoudy appeared In the ConcurzsstoxaL Facorn gnd to sara the expense cf printing aie T nsx unantmuws consent thet they bo ordesce. to Me or the Secretary's dzsis for Hie informati onofany Senator. the end of the Senate Metseecaus, Mig. Scuerrrnnr, BM. favrim, Bir, Cans, BYr Bia- & or yt LLS& JGANT LESOLULTIONS “This fol AND 3 ye * guras, ard Rfr, DzCorerss: Ss. 1365. A hillts emend Elle T2 af the APUaed S £ tates C ole tn make th. @ riterct >ett rngcoh. Lilts a1 wi “Join gyn mf alle for dhunasers ta certain tlare3 wrt cat reciuest. r2ad the una arf thivie? teats, fQ Cert suey weir Wranine shinea8, Second fies by uananimeaus concent, nnd}i! ant to eertsin sheep nievets‘i, «hie ta ces 4:ie! tah re alewr ates fests at tire Ns yada ttozt often Ly Mr. ITC RAONN: Or tisployraceat inion uraninen Trine, aise] ait for other purpusss; §. teh. A RM far the reel of Oumiswf tot Rane he Ne Ouunittes Oar Bratrh: Cantwesay to the Comnvitter Ow the? we he Jadiciary and the Committers Ore JSisitclacy, RS Br. LeANSDY (fora Meatelfl, Biv,Tl Labor and Phonan Resources, jointhy, hy steterr, Us STON, tr. WaNreone tt, fwnaninons corset, reterred as indicnted: ' _ as the inct that i was known that the comdtions of the mines as were wunheanry ene the precautions that conid haye been taken to nabaize the heath rivks were NOt take. And, we liuvve learnt test in the Ince of cll these known fnetees and Ener bees, ait nil-owl public reiations crnprlga was mountet hy the Atumle Enercy Commission to aisttre these af- fected that there was no daaver, Mr. Drocidert, we are now junt betin« EiLLSANDIONT RESOLUTIONS 7 proceedings. 5 INTRO:LUCtT ION Barkin yvadiutfon from the Lotlur.t to higher’ incidences of leuxkemfa and rhyraid concer ami Ceaths of sheep herds. We have Jesrned of open hastily within the 4burnic Ehersey Commissten ty medfew’ staff raising health Issues. Vie bare leamicd that Americans were sent eon into uraniim inines to mine tite ors to keep the testing provrem going copie ming to (ulfy understand the resis af SIOATELTENTS *ON. aperrODUCED: 2. the CGaoayernment’s fatiora aha to fully preseck Aust, eathe kh:vayti th, whee tek or tro citizens who livect nes the test site and who mined the urandens, By.MEDNNEDY (for binselZ, ner Ta Cebruury of this year, De, Iseoph Loot Pir. Faron, dre Cannan, dalie ef the Univesstty of Utah eublished in Wasoowvi, Bir. Mersene, Mr, Ercovy of Stoiamberc Bt one & emtember . te ae Atfatva and the Canmittes on Finwaure, jointly, bz unantinons consent, By Me, WiLLIALUS: S. 1870. A but to e:spanil access to institu. tions ef Rigkher eduvolion by extension of the Fedecsl puarantetd stucent lan profrom bo studauis purchasing Comress on less than a bksll-tline bats, Increese loan avatiability ane reduce lean Geinulta; to the Conte nitttee on Laver ane Fluman Brsources, BZ Mr. COCHRAN (for hinwelf, Pir, Statrson, Mr. Srzvans, Ar, Ante BInonc, Mr, Coupwatza, tr. Dore, and? Sir. Sasss2) ¢ 3.3. Tees, 10%, A Jotnt resaluoion to:sithese {ee the President to proclaiin NOovenver 16, N79, as “Amnotican Enterpctse Mheys ts bles Comarittee on the Jucdiclasy. . Secrevaty’s dete, were printed in the 279, prouxa; to the Camnmitree on Governmental Ble. Harcind, Dir, MIATH LAS, Dele, Biaeoes, Mr. Foun, Me. Srsnnra, Myr. Paros, The PRESIDING OF z Without osinctlon. so is so 5 tae (Che nominations ordered to Ee on the 2h, Crem, oud fu other Jocwiious, 13 amend th) tseatit: effects, Jateraat uvenuc Code of 1954 lo provide tax : We have learned thet the Morac inrentives for the purchase of teiccwniaunlKuerkty Commission withheld eriknee ehtlon davites by thie dent, nud Jor olier pure . WRTSarIE LEC ras SSATIOON Aicr GF 1y7o eR Mateusnauo, Bir, i: fe BOPUEE, Be. Javers, Mr. Gary, a >|Mr,ESN EDYZ Br, Pressklent, Tonin af Mr. MENTate sa, and Mr, DrCaserse}: S. 1605. A UI tc mrnenld titie 25 of the:pm “ sed to jon with Senators Hatin Cannon, Rarooten, Disetr, Si gennaci, Uattect Fates Codes ta make tae Untied Ma Mebie fer Caniazes Go certute Padieiae STHUWESRLS, ANLESSAGA2tt2 ME rites. oo the New Wsiand Joural of Lealicine his study of chidhoml joutemias assagiated with fatlout frem nuchkeac testiug. He censkiicd thatsimsificaab eves of bake nits, aetlhs ace eo coin cil se; un te iN yoors of ora hvieg in Utoh between GS Cel This excess wae comeane toateit ih ine cobra’ of chillecen bests S6b nael PDK, and wes micas ’ in thase resiNper fir eis vee: efi: we Nb falleaut. r. Tirol RrBPE . ecketitie iunatyst WEE bys Pass, tentitteetint in the os wine arees during tine yerrs oF hows testing. the: dase of catintion fo theo tay rohit of fisvfants aed sonne chllcteay who wosgreshoacih cayluwve teen far the ean of rads. Ov the Hosts Petit: of h: vt eis invastivetion. be found “a dire rekiion etwas tise imereves in thse las, to reriacn Urantum saleers, aud ta cetey estas CigSeaton Zucin et. the tz= © ait ila cheag ferets, Ge lo cestats Buctenr teaSERDthew IT Cor mpemasiion.Actoftists: me ececers pind Eablet" Dir. Doriale itu Bi the Neste Test Site Ge emypiogtnent ta plior aeoremete aSee of: tithistincistaiianfe thistiegistat 5 ‘ton Jerieksen, iivector of tie Nattonat Instieranmbsm mise, aml fur oflire pas fpeces, to ef Moeith, wher ssked to Gaitetic te acermttrnry Putts cbeescabs Foavernment. re on . coe ; tetpsaccps Ses the Cumiutttte ov Oss Jatticingy and tae ~the stancefepeCas Ly erSee feo Fenton for tae merase jr ste en Cormittes on} TeGr Wier tren Pesmicces ae, prwcpOtieg args SEN Terrors Wud ewhs daomvous mene the fests dainty, by wantlioows conyers “ oye trabh gl Tite +1 . aestaje Arete ae Cath weed be prahatly: itp ssi Be len CURANSVON ¢¢ er hinuvwele ard “tnt‘Temaceiie seePere eHeneayt Ter rt Noches Cisben as couches that mubatios ws net at His a’ MMe. Mavamewa): vice e te, Beeaisse . oad tar as. Ral.afatiets A GHA bo nance ad the Indochina tad Retuyes Aes dasiumes Aut of “fed, tad fer nther purposes: te s3 Ccoops. ar cea For ‘ atiuns. wut. ATat to hey nl fay L:Vet tnk Way habe Cuvee £1053 to provide Oat the nme . f this cliarit f Cesbitetlon wlinwehts: for exe peosreiea bovet Tie the oper, of ® motor tiiehbs will be sletasnilmedt frp te same pan. of Cheverre ks CiMlpheyres Setecmnis pebcepe bere:res ‘Toure Gf (heir vehicles on Guve eremeend b sdasny fo the Croriiithles om Mgetnaine. vin RAGLUP Or: % F ne AO ee tite Ole DMsatebet oe? Prat ef TU Gorertiecns cial Clever fuer at Mathes At wrt Ve ypertt baa boc mathe voeeP thes Prk et we ee Meee Fe Le Canta tte gecg Pbeecyp tbe Pd vay S . Vr elem, tie abot Cae Fi os PR pul fib op fae uy bs time, Geeatise of sab had AC hearings held ia Washiestent : ae ed, nivel Mavorlaoyver tha puachscve rid Ii: aeoru bas bears kaown mtaad tine: be tnaeterig te. "hea, Plegcam, its heel emechy anc Ohe pauferve of Cin,: Cehhesatioos ot Mat thre (esas Irate proatic te Uae gees tuus ese igs, Aral Tmt nedts (ers panel of winek ge dinge Mathes de bs tte, Ve Vase ra ey perlond OC ten comedies gods of slbepreet SLCUrity, ta UL, Gover crore cormedhietecd on wive series of etritsaotbritstic pnclear ofa test site in anuthesstern Bee a Os testis prowcetn, considered eth hite ind part of otter national seca, thinged (he white sumpoch of he AimerJou paecote, fates Dt "leet . wat etary esseto fhe death of the sat ys,abs: F ” eatear’ Wels he thy moPabine: fheoh Pees sisoweal blvet woeiitie ite tf wee yosignifnenrtly inercaset the ine {venta shouss: Gf fare cancer, Rt Ba tent, bo orter 09 pdyi yaw an bles. Gf Che meanoitide of Che ingestive, ~% ki tee efor 4. Gunorilien to thea remins ets at Liree Mile shin’, Qieciac Mas beeceloret fie Gosernag af Domines beanie, aiivr ccrosdtofiem owith beaitte cna Leeteels, fad dient eve lian of breech owecmeot ase clibiver Usine wath mo Gorn tetera bs pegeteer tere vet ranfecettty ces Ware: Db bey OFF re And vet, DO che} gi aitlterre ee? Uh as tur tolon: ihe taste : Vag tae Slee Sl 8 ta ech ble