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ATLANTA: Deel0 (AP) :2One of the| ‘dysent:ery cases were ceca:arlety

mest popular programsIn that spraivling of things, but they werenotasserious. .area of the Paclliccalled Micronesia is Dr. Moore and Dr. Millerbegan to real-

the brainchild cf tvo Coctorsat the na~
‘rtional Center jor Disease Control here in
: Atlantay. “AAT RMBgL Pet sy
-Itisa reonthly satellitetelepphone conference setup a3 lind of giant party line
with the cooperation of the island sovernment, the disease center and the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. =
The symposium links the medical resources of Micronesia, whichconsis's of
‘more than 2,29 isiands between the
J Phifingines and “Honalulu and {3 now
called the Trust Territory, The Istards,
which were eccupied. by Japan vatil the

ize the real problems of proper diagnosis

of disease, and thus proper treatment,In:

far-flung corners of the worid- without,

proper lazboratorytechalques, <" = fai
- The Pacific island symposiums ure an
eatension of & wast training program’

available at the disease contesr desiigned
to keep an es timeted 150,(00 latoratary.

technicians in this country informed of:

the latesLresearcn Cevelopmants. 20 TF;
-Ja the United States, there are 11 networks, many of them designed to reach
rura! hospitalsthat have no oth:ae trata: ;
ine programas. 7 Tt
One hundred and ona ‘sapurate lectures.
end of World Warll, are adminisierert by
the United States at: the request of the on Jaboratory precednres aréavnilaoia. ;
Jean Miller, vio ds mot related toe Dr.
United Nations. 205°
On ine first ‘reesday ofeachmonthat 3 Miller, keeps track of the Iectuces and
P.M. Eastern standicd time, the tele-

rnail raatorial. Sha said that foc tha three |

phone rings in the home of Dr. Michael rnunihs that ended last Sept. 20, the cenBiller and Dr. Lee Moore. For trem and ter pave 205 preeseatations to 343‘differant
2 than 33,0) poo, ;
a hundred other paysicians end Isbora- places antl reeached rare
tory technicians in the Trust Territory, ple.
school isin. In the Pacific, because af the
intern:rien:al date Hine, it tssoon the next

day. QRecelying StattoasIn Pacltle 2

"The center says the conferences do nat
cost the particip HTUS anything, because
-NASA makes the time available on its
“own satellite network, vhich iachidtes six
vreeciviag stations la the Pacific islands.
Dr. Miller and Dr. Moore contribute their

Abdout three years azo,
the center was
petting nbout 209 repos of amonbic
* dysentery a month from Micranesia. - “Actually, Gicy were not contirmad hy
laboratory tests, 50 we cida’l knoe what:
it was," Dy. Moore said, "We decided
Cnt the doctors out there cithar dida't
knew what it was or What else it mipnte
Dr. Lirore went to Yonare, the capital
of the territory, and establi toda train


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ing, provcamy, Et was found that of thone

22) cases & month, oaly about oO turned
out to be amoebic dysentery. Tae uther |

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