. oa om . + pt heteen = SEBAe oe abe yt lg fae ci tie, L . ae we we Sn addition we must know what other logistic supportis: available (housing, etc.). . : ” a ae ee ae Concurrently, wa must aye, in writing, the DOE headquarters policy regarding a) what kind of & program is this? Is it a one-shot" or is this the initial examination of a longitudinal study of a population which micht be analagous to the Bikini population? b) If this is the beginning of an epidemiologic study, a detailed state-of-the-art protocol must be developed ee ee outlining exactly what is to be done, how often the population will be examined, and a clear definition of the nonresearch political responsibilities interacting with the Marshall Islands health care delivery system. protocol will xequire time c) ‘The development of ‘this (I question how much). it can be assimilated into our already overcrowded schedule. I doubt that (delayed) We will be playing "catch vp ball" for the rest of this calendar year. It would he very difficult to cover the added responsibilities in 1980. ad) As an alternative, the DOE headquarters might contact some contract group (multiphasic screening group/HMO) to do the initial clinical physical evaluation; concurrently we could be developing a Longkange plan to be integrated into the proqrum at some time in the future, These same planning constraints should also apply to whole-hody counting and ccalogic monitoring. Page Gof G *.