B.M. Dobyns and B.A. Hyrmer: Thyroid Neoplasms and Hydrogen Bomb Fallout


tissue. Some lesions metastasize although they may appearto

the largest lesion that had given rise to the metastases. Emphasis on the occurrence of multicentricity seems to have passed
with the decline in the use of external irradiation to the neck
(40, 41]. Total thyroidectomy for multicentric papillary lesions
was thought to be appropriate by some authors[32, 33, 37, 38,
41-43, 44], but the occurrence of complications in the hands of
some surgeons and the indolent nature of the disease caused a
decrease in interest in total thyroidectomy [34, 40, 41, 45].
Although 36 years have passed, the final story on these surgical

fallout in a population.

told. Most of these thyroid carcinomas, like those found else-

produit pendant les essais atomiques 4 Bikini dansle Territoire
Trust des Iles du Pacifique. Des débris radio-actifs sont tombés
sur les atolls inhabités des Iles Marshall aprés la détonation

cases and on the remaining exposed individuals has not been

where in the world, are a very low degree of malignancy. As
shown by annual examinations and routine diagnostic chest
x-ray films, there has been no recurrenceof carcinomathusfar.
Although wide removal of the deep jugular and upper mediastinal nodes was donein most cases of carcinoma, somepositive

lymph nodes may have been missed andare now inaccessible to

physical examination. The fact that a lesion in question had
been widely removed or thought not to have spread was no

guarantee that the lesion did not have the potential to spread or
might still appear. There has not been full agreement about the

natureof the lesions in 2 of the 3 cases that were reoperated for
regrowth. The lesions from the first operation in those cases

were considered atypical adenomas and were probably not

carcinoma. A minority considered the lesions from the second

operations to be locally malignant. It seems that, where the

be benign. This series of observations over many years represent the sequential developmentof thyroid neoplasms, resulting
from a single simultaneous exposure to radioiodines from

Le 1 mars 1954, un accident de retombée radio-active s'est

d’un énorme appareil thermonucléaire, en raison d’un change-

mentinattendu des conditions climatiques. Juste aprés la détonation, une surveillance militaire aérienne et maritime a permis
de suivre les déplacements de la portion la plus chaude du
nuagé parabolique. Celui-ci s’est déplacé vers |’est et le sud-est

tout en diminuant d’intensité et en se dispersant. Le centre du
nuage radio-actif est passé au nord de l’atoll Rongelpa, atoll
peuplé le plus prés. Cet article rapporte le développementdes
lésions thyroidiennes, les conditions particuliéres et les résultats de la chirurgie des lésions bénignes et malignes de la
thyroide rencontrées dans cette population dans les suites de
cet accident.

irradiated thyroid tissue remains, neoplasms maystill develop.



En marzo 1 de 1954 sucedié un grave accidente de contaminacién en el curso del programa de ensayos atémicos de los EUA
en Bikini en el Pacffico. Después de la detonacién de un gran

Radiation from radioiodines produced benign and malignant
neoplasms in some Marshallese who were accidently exposed
to fallout. Thorough annualstudy of each of 245 exposed person
has been accomplished over37 years or within their natural life
time. More than 1000 other Marshallese have served as various
controls. Seventy-seven irradiated and control cases have been
operated for thyroid masses. In 8 of 23 cases of carcinoma, the
disease had spread to lymph nodes. Five of the 8 primary

lesions that spread were 1 cm or less in diameter. Minute

multicentric carcinomas and atypical adenomas were foundin
addition to adenomas, presumably because the whole thyroid
was at risk. Total or very near total thyroidectomy was the
preferred procedure when carcinomais present or suspected.
There have been no recurrences of carcinoma; no disfigurement; no recurrent laryngeal nerve injuries; and no deaths
related to surgery. There has been 1 case of postoperative
hypoparathyroidism and another asymptomatic hypocalcemia
which only becamedetectable 20 years after surgery.
When neoplasms might be expected from radioiodines in
fallout, repeated meticulous examinations of the thyroid are
required because some small lesions may metastasize early.

Since multiple carcinomas have been found along with atypical
adenomasin the irradiated glands and there has beendifficulty
distinguishing between the two, the observations in this study
suggest that atypical lesions may eventually develop frank
histological features of carcinoma and have a potential to
metastasize. Furthermore, an interpretation of descriptive an-

atomical features of a thyroid neoplasm doesnot alwaysreflect
the physiological and behavioral processes going on in that

artefacto termonuclear, un inesperado cambio en la direccién

de los vientos causé el depdsito de desechos radioactivos en
varios islotes habitados en las Islas Marshall. En la fase
inmediatamente siguiente a la detonaci6n, el seguimiento militar, marino y aéreorastreé la porcién mas ‘‘caliente’’ de la nube
parabolica en la medida que se movilizaba en un patrén de
decreciente concentracién hacia el este y hacia el sudeste de
Bikini. El centro de la nube pas6 al norte del islote Rongelap.

queera el islote habitado mds cercano.
El presente informe se refiere al desarrollo de lesiones
tiroideas, las circunstancias especiales que fueron encontradas

en el curso dela cirugia y los resultados de! manejo quinirgico
de la lesiones benignas y malignas halladas en esta poblacion.
Se realizé el estudio anual de 245 personas expuestas, en el
curso de 37 afios o en el curso natural de su vida. Se han
operado 77 personas irradiadas y personas control por la
presencia de masastiroideas. En 8/23 casos de carcinoma se
hallé extensién ganglionar. También se encontraron pequefios
carcinomas multicéntricos y adenomas atipicos, ademas de
adenomas, presumiblemente debido a que toda la glandula
estuvo en riesgo. Se realizé tiroidectomiatotal o casi total como
procedimiento de eleccién, sin mortalidad ni complicaciones

mayores. Se presento un caso de hipoparatiroidismo postoperatoria y otro de hipocalcemia asintomatica, detectada solo 20

afios después de la cirugia. Esta serie presenta el desarrollo
secuencial de neoplasias tiroideas comoresultado de una ex-

posicién unica a radioyodosa partir de la contaminacion de una

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