World J. Surg. Vol. 16, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 1992 43


The iaboratory support for part of the special studies was a
grant from The US Atomic Energy Commission andits successors, including Brookhaven National Laboratory. The authors

wish to acknowledgethe assistance, suggestions and support of

many friends and collaborators over the past 22 years with
whom the senior author has participated in the care of the

Marshallese: especially, Drs. Robert A. Conard, William H.
Adams, Eugene P. Cronkite and Mr. William A. Scott of
Brookhaven National Laboratory; and Drs. John D. Reid and
Mary Petrelli of the Department of Pathology, Cleveland Met-

ropolitan Hospital; and finally the many laboratory assistants
and surgical residents who participated in the special studies
and care of the patients.

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. Dobyns. B.M., Vickery, A.L., Maloof, F., Chapman, E.M.: Functional and histologic effects of therapeutic doses of radioactive
iodine in the thyroid of man. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. /3:548,


. Dobyns, B.M., Didtschenko, I.: Nuclear changed in thyroidal

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15. Dobyns, B.M., Rudd, A.E., Sanders, M.A.: Desoxyribonucleic
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16. Dobyns, B.M., Robinson, L.R. Il]: Deoxyribonucleic acid content
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J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 28:875, 1968


L. Conard, R.A.. Meyer I.M.. Sutow, W.W., Robertson. J.S., Rall,
J.E., Robbins, J.. Jesseph. J.E., Deisher, J.B., Hicking, A., Lanwi.
I., Gusmano, E.A., Eicher, M.: Medical Survey of the People of
Rongelap and Utirik Island Eleven and Twelve Years After Exposure to Fallout Radiation (March 1965 and March 1966), U.S.

Department of Energy publication (BNL) 50029 (T-446). 1967,
Upton, NY, Brookhaven National Laboratory
. Lessard, E.T., Miltenberger. R.P., Conard, R.A., Musolino, S.V.,

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U.S. Department of Energy publication (BNL) 51-882, [985, Upton, NY, Brookhaven National Laboratory
. Hawthorne, H.A. (editor): Compilation of Local Fallout Data from
Test Detonations 1946-1962 Extracted from DASA 1251 VolumeII

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. Conard, R.A., Sutow, W.W., Lowrey, A., Colcock, B.P., Hicking,
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J.: Review of Medical Findings in a Marshallese Population 26
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. Adams, W.H., Harper, J.A., Rittmaster. R.S., Heotis, P.M., Scott,

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. Adams, W.H., Engle, J.R., Harper, J.A., Heotis, P.M., Scott,








W.A.: Medical Status of Marshallese Accidentally Exposed to 1954
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U.S. Departmentof Energy publication (BNL) 51958, 1985, Upton,
NY, Brookhaven National Laboratory

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