a very good time to present this matter for discussion would be when a
meeting is held at one of the special cancer hospitals at one of the
installations where they are deeply concerned with problems of treatment
for cancer patients,
Dr, Doisy inquired as to the progress that is being made by Dr,
Paul Hahn at the Meharry Medical College on the "Use of Radloactive Gold
in Treatment of Tumors",

Dr, Cantril expressed interest in this project

He asked how far this program had limited itself to use of gold,

A general discussion followed,

Dr, Dunham suggested that it might be

well for Dr, Hahn to move on to something else because there is little
new that has been developed scientifically since the initial impetus on

the project in 199.

Dr, Failla brought out that nothing new has come

out of Dr, Hahn's project recently and likewise there has been nothing
new come out from many other projects elsewhere,

On the other hand, Dr,

Hahn's initial contribution was a very valuable one.

He commented fur-

ther that the Public Health Service had given the school support and it
had been very well received and the funds were administered carefully,
It changed the atmosphere of the school.
taken into consideration in this case,

"So I think this might be
In regard to my statement about

treatment of cancer patients, I think in this instance that it is quite
justified to continuc the support for the treatment of patients - for
some time at least."


Select target paragraph3