On questions propounded by Dry Doisy on the increase of the size of

the budget for this fiscal year for the University of Utah from $175,776
to $27,368, Dr, Claus explained that the increase is caused mostly by
the large expense in developing and raising animals to have them available at the prcper time - planning has to be done 18 months in advance

in order to have material of the right age at the right time.

Also, as

was suggested by the Committee some exploratory work with strontium is
now being done,
Dr, Warren followed by saying that in these facilities one is dealing with plutonium - which is one of the most difficult things to handle.
There are far more costly precautions that have to be carried out in this
work than in the average sort of research and undertaking,
The committee reiterated their previous expressions by saying that
the summarics on the projects are extremely useful in enlightening them
in the briefest possible time as to the work that is being emphasized
and the progress that is being made thereon,
Dr, Warren expressed his thanks to the staff for having the report
prepared in such an informative and concise manner.
The report on "On-Site Research Contract Proposals (Parts I & II)"
is attached as Appendix A,
Statistical Trends in
Biology Research Program - Dr, Green

Dr. Green reviewed the statistical trends in
the biology research program with emphasis placed

on the cata obtained from the IBM equipment.


Formal statements were

Select target paragraph3