morning session had been devoted to studying research proposals, reports

and classified documents,
Dr, Warren asked Dr, Bugher to introduce Dr, Nathan Hall, a new
member of the staff of the Division.

Dr, Bugher, in presenting Dr.-Hall,

noted that prior to joining the staff of the Division he held an appointment as Professor of Agronomy at North Carolina State College,. He re»
places Dr, Butts who had returned to Oregon State University,

Dr, Hall

has been closely associated with the problems of the utilization of
radioisotopes in agricultural research and enjoys a broad knowledge of
plant physiology.
Dr, Bugher welcomed Miss France Chrestia, of the Program Analysis

Branch, who had transferred from the New York Operations Office.
Review of Research


A report on reSearch projects approved since
May was given during the morning study period.

Dr. Bugher, however, explained the changes that had been made in the
format and content cf the report on "off-site" research contract proposals,

It now includes a summary of each project written by either the

investigator or by the person particularly responsible for the project,
During the discussion of the projects, Dr. Failla raised a question
regarding the treatment of patients as was indicated on several projects
and he asked as a matter of general policy whether defraying the cost of

actual treatment of patients should be increased - - or should be maintained <4 the same level as at present,

Dr. Warren replied that perhaps

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