
After a full hearing,

the judgment was reversed.

Dr. Totter pointed out that with the marked reduction in support of
Plowshare operations it was necessary to reevaluate the entire operation
of the Biomedical Division at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore.
The ecology portion of the program was recently visited and reviewed.
chromosome studies will be reviewed in late September and the remainder of
the program will be reviewed in November.
It was noted that on October 9, 1970, there will be a 20th Anniversary
celebration at the University of Utah AEC Project.
Last spring the General Advisory Committee requestéd that the thermal
effects data from Hanford be evaluated for potential usefulness in reactor

siting in general.

A committee is being formed to undertake this task.

It is not clear whether they will have access to all data (some of which
is classified).
Dr. English is strongly in support of the position that
they should see all the data and believes they can easily write an
unclassified report.
Dr. Bruner and Mr. Hollister of the DBM staff and Dr. Robert Miller
from National Cancer Institute discussed in detail the recent publications
of Dr. Alice Stewart in which she has estimated that 1 rad of exposure to
human fetuses would result in an excess of 300 to 800 childhood cancers
per million fetuses exposed.
The arguments advanced by Bruner and
especially by Hollister centered on methods and techniques of analysis
which of themselves appeared inadequate to explain Stewart's remarkable
Material presented by Miller, however, cast very serious doubts

on the validity of Stewart's claims.

The data were provided by Mr. S. Jablon

of ABCC and can be summarized as follows:

If linearity of dose-response is assumed (as it is by
then the same tota! excess cancers would be seen whether 10°
were exposed to 1 vad or 10° people were exposed to 10 rads.
person-rads is the unit of interest in the denominator.
A number
of children were exposed in utero to bomb radiation in Japan.
numbers involved were approximately:






35,000 person-rads

Select target paragraph3