The 135th meeting of the Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine
was held September 11-12, 197) at AEC HQ, Germantown, Maryland and the

""" Street Office, Washington, D. C.

ACBM members present were

Drs. R. D. Moseley, Jr. (Chairman), P. P. Cohen, C. A. Finch, J. S. Laughlin,
W. J. Schull and Dr. Perry R. Stout, and Dr. J. B. Storer (Scientific
Secretary) and Miss Rosemary Elmo (Executive Secretary).
Also present were
Dr. John R. Totter, Director, Division of Biology and Medicine and members
of the DBM staff.
Dr. S. G. English, Assistant General Manager for Research
and Development, was present for part of the meeting as was Dr. Martin Biles,
Director, Division of Operational Safety and several DOS staff.
Moseley called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. on September 11.
He then
welcomed the new ACBM members, Drs. Laughlin and Schull.
Dr. Totter briefly covered some items of general interest.
The budget
for FY-72 will apparently not be increased significantly over that for
The FY-71 budget is presently before a House-Senate conference
Since DBM's budget is the same in both the House and Senate
versions, it is unlikely to be changed.
New members of the DBM staff were introduced to the Committee by
Dr. Totter.
In response to a request from the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy,
Dr. Burr and Mr. Howard Brown (Assistant General Manager), have investigated
the allegation that the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, had taken
retaliatory actions against Drs. J. W. Gofman and A. Tamplin because of
their public attacks on Federal Radiation Council radiation standards.
essence Burr and Brown, after a methodical on-site investigation, found no
evidence supporting the charge of reprisal.
A copy of the report was also
provided to Senator Muskie who refused to accept the findings on the grounds
that he believed the report biased.
He subsequently requested that the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, A. Spilhaus. President,
investigate these charge .
Dr. Spilhaus has the request under consideration.
Dr. Burr reported that the new head of the Japanese National Institute
of Health is very much interested in the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
and there is some prospect that the JNIH may gradually increase its participation in ABCC.
Dr. English reported further that opinion in Japan may
be shifting in favor of ABCC and that Dr. Darling, the Director of ABCC,
believes that by April 1971 it may be time to reopen high level discussions
between the U.S. and Japan on the future of ABCC.


Dr. Richmond of the DBM staff reported a reversal of a decision
concerning unemployment compensation to a former employee of Dow Chemical
Company at Rocky Flats, Colorado,
The employee was fired for refusing to
work in an area he considered to constitute a health hazard.
He was
initially supported in this action by the Colorado authorities and was awarded

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