play a part in the blood-clotting mechaisn, but are still not woll
understood. fonising radiations to the antire body produce son;
other affects a reduction in tho number cf blood platelets cron, in
Soma instances, actual total cescation of olatelots. In this con

nection, it is interestin: that animals have been nretacted cron

lothal effecto through trancfusion of platelets from tho blecu,

Zhe olateiots can new bo typed and jreupsed, much as rad bloo.l
eolls are before normal bloc. transfusions. There is no corrolation,
however, botueon the platelot sroups Jiscoverad and tho faniiiar
groupe of red blico: cells.

Contimed offorts may prove of simift-

cant value in combattine such saladies ao thrombocytopenic unvpura,

a blood disanse in vhiich bleccding cceurs undor the clcin ani internally.

in adults osufforing frum Nits type of honmorrhacic disease, the cradual
failure of repeated platalet transfusions aay be .me to incomatibility
of the Jonor'n plataicts with these of the patfemt. i similar coniition alse oceure in newborn Lables and this may be due to nlatelet

incompatibility betaween acther and newborn chilc, in a way oainilar to
wh incocpatability.

uffects of Prenatal i~irradiation on ice.

In studios
rociat n
of maxmis ana other

organisms, it is necessary to observe changes induced in one or more

variable organs or organ oystems. In research in progress at Jak Hidse
National Jaboratory, the vertebral column and thorax have been used as

indicators of radiation damage to the developing mouse.

The particular

question being investigated is whother radiations cause general damare
te the anbryo at amy exposure time or whether radiations cause specific
chances st specific radiation susceptible times. Mice embryos were

irradiated at stages of development corresponding to ages of 1/2 Jay,
1-1/2 days, 21/2 days, and so on to 13-1/2 days after conception,

At birth the skeleton of each anbryo was studied in detail. It was
Zound that cach skeletal abnormality was, in general, induced by radiation coring only a short period of prenatal Jevelopmant and was

obtainod with high incidence when radiation was applied in that portod.
The "eritical pericde” for the characteriotics studied fell between

Gel/2 and 13<1/2 Jaye after conception, during which tine irradiation

produces very little mortality. The abnommalities produced by irradiation resemble, but Jo not exactly coincida to, some of the ebnormalities preduced by previcusly identified mitant. genes in the mouse.
Civil Defense

\ recent
of Defense, and the

Federal chvil Sefonse Administration, The discussions covered the transmission to PCLA of classified weapons affects information derived fron


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