
The ationas Radiation Protection Committen recommends a maxima

permissible concantration of redium water for continuous uso of jpx107°
elcrocuries per cubic centimeter. This is equivalent to x 10°
per nilliliter or amies par gram. Approximately the same valuc measured in curios ver gram would apply to the total quantity of food congumai, Thus, it is indionted from these studies that tap water and the
common foods ugec in the Unitec States appear to be wall within the
peatticsible limtis ror radiu.

Ratation Bifects on Tobaceo and Poteto Plants. (UNCLASSIFIED)
A species of tobacco wan planted this yeer in the gam Meld at
Rroolhaven National Leboretosy. Results show thet irradiation
a moderately high rete of spontanscus tumors. Tn the gua

tumor~inductdon rate at fairky high dosage retes (300 r/day) wes growtiy

increased over the sentzel] ict, not only in vambere of tumrs par plant
but in sige of the individual tumrs. Thin is the first report of e
tumor in plants induced by gan radiation, sithough radiation induced
tuncrs have been recognized in animals for many year's.
2xperiments on the effect of radiation on the “keeping” qualities

of potatoes were completed ty Brookhaven National Laboratory recently.

A quantity of potatoes was secured and divided into five lots, four of

Wich were given various radiation doses and the fifth kept as a omtrol.

_The potatoes later were all stored undar conditions comparalle to standard
potato atorage conditions, and samples were tein periodically from each
lot and tested for taste and then craded scoording to steamy potato

grading procedures.

At the fins] test period on August 15, the control

lot was essentially spolled, whereas those that had been exposed to

20,000 r wore still Grade 4 potatces in all respectz. Fotatoes axposed
to about 50,000 r might be classed as Grade B potatoes, and those

are inhibited by relatively small doses of radiation, end consequently
the starch is not broken dam. At the higher doses, epparantly, there
4a encugh cellular destruction to cause a general breakdown over 4 long
period of tins. Whether those explanations are correct or not is
debatable, but there seas to be Little doubt now that thin is a real
phanomenon, sinco it was observed lest year quite acaidentally in con
nection with cane other work, and the axporiment this year was designed
Spaciiicaliy te prove this polst.

min: of Mood Platelets. (UNCLASSIFIZD)

Discowery of groups and

types for t
was armounced recently by the How England
Hedical Canter at Doston, Massachusetts. Platelets are colorless, diskshaped bodies found in the blood of humans and all other memaals. Thay
a cesT,


Select target paragraph3