Oct. 15


P.L. 95-134

title I and tithe IT of said 1971 Act, for full payment of such awards:
Provided, Vhat no sums appropriated pursuant to this section may be
paid on awards pursuant to title I of said 1971 Act until, subsequent
to the date of enactment of this section, the Government of Japan has

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Islands a contribution, which contribution may be in goods andservices, which has a valueas determined by the Seeretary of the Interior

equivalent to not less than 50 per centum of the total awards made
pursuant to title I of said 1971 Act less $10,000,000 from such total:
Provided further, That prior to making any payment on an award

pursuant to either tithe I or title IL of said 1971 Act, the Secretary

Contribution by
Government of

Award, review,

shall review such award and determine whether any portion of such
award constitutes interest not authorized to be awarded under the said
1971 Act and shall exclude from IMs payment such amounts as he deterimines constitute such interest. The Secretary's determination of the
proportion of any award which constitutes such interest and the proportion which constitutes value shall be final and shall not be subject
to judicial review.

Sec. 201.‘ (a) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the

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provided to the Government of the Trust Territory of the Pacific

50 USC app.
2019, 2020.

Secretary of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary),
not to exceed $15,000,000 for a vrant to the Government of Guamto
assist in typhoon rehabilitation, upgrading and construction of pubhie
facilities, and maintenance of essential services.
(b) Tfunds provided under this Act may be used by Guam as its
matching share for Federal programs and services,
(c) Fhe Government of Guam in carrying out the purpose of this
Act nay utihze, to the extent practicable, the available services and
fucilities of awencies and instrumentalities of the United States Government on a reimbursable basis. Retmmbursements may be credited to
tho appropriation or fund which provided the services and faetlities.
Agencies and instrumentalities of the United States Government may,
when practicable, make available to the Government of Guam upon
request of the Secretary such services and facilities as they are equipped

Government of

Services and

facilities of ULS.


to render or furnish, and they may do so without reimbursement if
otherwise authorized by law.

(dl) The Secretary may place such stipulations as he deems appro-

printe on the use of funds appropriated pursuant to section 301 (a).

DEC, 202, Section 2 of the Guam Development Fund Act of 1968
(82 Stat. 1172; £8 U.S.C. 1428) is amended by changing “Sexe. 2.” to
“Sree. 2. fay” and adding at the end thereof the following new subsection (b):
“(b) In addition to the appropriations authorized in subsection
(a), $1,000,000 is authorized to be appropriated to the Sceretary of
the Interior to be paid to the Government of Guam annuallyforfive
fiscal years commencing in fiscal year 1978 to carry out the purposes
of this Act.”.
Src, 203. The Organic Act of Guam (64 Stat. 304) as amended (48
ULS.C. 1421 et seq.) is further amended:
(a) by deleting from the first sentence of section
A (a)
everything after the words “government of Guam’; dding a

period after “Cinam”?; and inserting the following sentence:
“effective October 1, 1977, the salary and expenses of the Comp-

Post, p. 1162.




salary and


48 USC 1422d.

troller’s office shall be paid from funds authorized to be appro-

propriated to the Department of the Interior.” ;
91 STAT. 1161



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