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Report to



described in paragraph (1),

(4) In addition to the payments provided in paragraphs (1),
(2), and (3) of this subsection, the Secretary shall provide by
appropriate means adequate medical care and treatment for any
person who has a continuing need for the care and treatment of
any radiation injury or ilness directly velated to the thermonuclear detonation referred to in parayraph (a) of this section.
The costs of such medical care and treatment shall be assumed

by the Administrator of the Knergy Research and Development
(5) Not later than December 31, 1980, the Seeretary shall
report to the appropriate committees of the United States Congress
for their consideration what, if any, additional compassionate

compensation may be justified for those individuals continuing

to suffer from injuries or ilnesses directly related to radiation
resulting from the thermonuclear detonation referred to in paragraph (a) of this section.
Tn the case of the demise of anyindividual entitled to receive payment
under this section who expires before receiving such payment, the
Seeretary shall pay the amount which that individual would have been
entitled to receive under this section to the heirs or leeatees of such

payment, .


mcdividual, in accordance with an appropriate method of distribution
per stirpes, and not per capita. Where the demise of any individual
eligible for payment under paragraph (1) or (3) supra is directly
related to the thermonuclear detonation referred to in paragraph (a)
of this section, the Secretary may make an additional compassionate
payment not to exceed $100,000 to the heirs or legatees of such individual. In determining the amount of such payment the Seeretaryshall
consider, but is not limited to. the following: any payments which the
deceased has received or would have been eligible to receive underthis

section, and loss of support, services, or contributions fo the heirs or
Rongelap, Utirik,
and Bikini Atolls,
sums for

(b) For the use of each of the island communities of Rongelap,
Utrrik, and Bikini Atolls there is authorized to be appropriated
100.000. Such funds are to be paid by the Secretary, in conjunction
with guidelines to be established by the Thigh Commissioner of the

Trast. Territory of the Pacific Islands, for such community purposes

as the municipal councils of such island communities may direct.

(ce) A payment made under the provisions of this section shall be

in full settlement and discharge of all claims against the United States
anising out of the thermonuclear detonation on March 1, 1954.

(ca) The decisions of the Secretary in allowing or denying any claim
for payment under this section shall be final and conclusive on all
questions of law and fact and not subject. to reviewby any other oflicial

Rules and


claims and final
$0 USE app.


of the United States, or by any court by mandamus orotherwise. |
(ec) The Sceretary is authorized to make such rules and regulations
as he determines necessary (o carry out the provisions of this section.
Sec. 105, In addition to amounts heretofore authorized pursuant Co

the Micronesian Claims Act of 1971 (85 Stat. 96), there are. hereby
authorized lo be appropriated to the Secretary of the Interior sw?
sums as macy be necessary bo satisfy all adjudicated claims and final
awards made by the Micronesian Claims Commission to date under
91 STAT. 1160

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Medical care and


(3) Where circumstances warrant, as he shall determine, the
Sceretary shall pay an amount notin excess of $25,000 as he determines to be an appropriate compassionate compensation to each
such individual who has suffered any physical injury or harm
from a radiation-related cause but who ts not an individual

See Bra Mk ate

Oct. 15



ee We Paediatr ENSWw

P.L. 95-134

Select target paragraph3