VA (2A1gol a)





Information for Veterans
WhoParticipated in Nuclear Weapons Testing
or in the Occupation of Nagasaki and Hiroshima

To assure that VA can respondto veterans’ concerns regarding possible health effects of exposure to low levels of :on1zing radiation following the detonation of nuclear devices in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan, or in the atomic weapons
testing program, Congress has authorized VA to provide needed health-care services for major illnesses or disabilities
which any of these veterans may develop.
Public Law 97-72, the “Veterans’ Health Care, Training and Small Business Loan Act of 1981,” authorizes the Veterans

Administration to provide hospital and nursing homecare and limited outpatient services to a veteran who was exposed
“while serving on active duty to ionizing radiation from the detonation of a nuclear device in connection with such
veteran’s participation in the test of such a device or with the American occupation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan,
during the period beginning on September 11, 1945, and ending on July 1, 1946.” This law does not provide, however,
for the care of conditions that are found to have resulted from causes other than exposure to ionizing radiation.

VA will perform a complete physical examination, includingall necessary tests, for each veteran who requests it if the
veteran was exposedto ionizing radiation while participating in the nuclear weaponstesting program or 1f he or she served
with the occupatton forces in Hiroshima or Nagasaki, Japan. For those who have been examined by the VA within the
prior six months, only those procedures that are medically indicated by the current circumstanceswill be repeated. Where
the examinationreveals a condition requiring treatment, the responsible staff physician must determine whetherthe condition resulted from a cause other than exposure to 1onizing radiation.

If a veteran has a disorder that may have been caused by exposure to radiation, VA will provide hospital and nursing
homecare in VA facilities. Outpatient care also will be provided at a VA facility: (1) to avoid a need to hospitalize a
veteran; (2) to prepare a veteran for hospitalization; and (3) to complete care that was initiated during a period of VA

hospitalization. These services may be provided without regard to the veteran’s age, service-connectedstatus or the ability
of the veteran to defray the expenses of such care.
Veterans mayreceive outpatient care only when the VA facilities can provide it. The VA will pay private physicians for
outpatient services only when they provide post-hospital care and then only if VA or other governmentfacilites cannot
provide the needed care or cannot do so economically because the distance between patient and facility 1s too great.
Under this authority, veterans will be given high priority for outpatient care.

Figure 4. VA medical care available to eligible veterans of U.S. atmospheric nuclear

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