
On 15 June 1979, Vice Admiral Robert Monroe and Dorothy L. Starbuck,

Chief Benefits Director at VA, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf
of the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration.

The under-

standing was "to formalize and improve existing procedures to ensure the most
complete investigation of veterans’ ionizing radiation claims."

DOD and VA

representatives had cooperated closely regarding these claims during the
preceding year but thought they were "in a position to do more, particularly
in cases for which no recorded radiation dosage is available."

As stated in

the document, VA would "determine the critical elements of information
necessary to support each case" and DOD would "thoroughly research each case
to develop as much as possible the information needed" (7).
procedure has remained intact.

This general

Through its Service teams, the NTPR program

gives the VA information useful in providing medical care and compensation to
eligible veterans (8).

VA Medical Examinations and Health Care Services.

The VA Office of Public and Consumer Affairs distributes a flier identifying the medical care available to eligible veterans of the atmospheric
nuclear testing and the Hiroshima and Nagasaki occupation.

This section

highlights and extends the information presented in the flier, reproduced as
figure 4.
Medical Examinations.

As it has throughout the NTPR effort, the VA will give

a complete physical examination, including all requisite tests, upon request
to any veteran exposed to ionizing radiation during the nuclear tests or the
Hiroshima and Nagasaki occupation.

The NIPR teams, as indicated in chapter 2,

send special notifications concerning the availability of these examinations
to personnel whose radiation doses exceeded current Federal guidelines:
Over-25-rem Participants, Desert Rock Volunteer Observers, and Over-5-rem
Health Care Services.

The "Veterans’ Health Care, Training, and Small

Business Loan Act of 1981," enacted on 3 November 1981 as Public Law 97-72,
authorized the VA to provide hospital and nursing home care and limited


Select target paragraph3