atmospheric nuclear weapons tests.

The sheer volume of morning reports made

the task time-consuming.
The ANTPR approach, like that of the other NTPR teams, evolved in
response to DNA directives, along with Congressional and public needs.


August 1979, the ANTPR team had shifted its primary emphasis from research on
individuals to responses to specific groups, such as the over-25-rem and
over-5-rem participants, the volunteer observers, and the VA claimants.
Section 2.3.3 presents statistics on these efforts.
In late 1982, the ANTPR data entry staff decreased in number, as
personnel and financial resources were redirected to handle new priorities
within the Army, such as the Agent Orange Task Force.

At about the same time,

programming and data entry errors created problems in the ANTPR computer


In early 1983, the ANTPR Program Manager sent a memorandum to the DNA

NTPR Program Manager indicating that these problems, along with the decrease
in staff, had resulted in considerable curtailment of data entry within the
past quarter.

DNA and the Army worked together in the latter half of 1983 to

identify the difficulties and prescribe solutions.
In a meeting with DNA on 31 January 1984, the Army agreed to provide
funds to contract for technical support, especially to purify the ANTPR data
base. The contract was awarded in September 1984, and work commenced
immediately toward accomplishment of the five major ANTPR tasks, beginning
with purification of the data base.

Subsequent tasks involve identifying

personnel and units, determining radiation exposure and entering information
into the ANTPR data base, notifying test participants, and responding to
requests for information from veterans, VA, and Congress.

With the assistance

of its contractor, the ANTPR should meet its objectives by the end of 1987.
2.3.2 Resources.

The ANTPR has had five chief administrators:

Colonel Victor J. Hugo,

February 1978 to September 1978; Colonel David P. Lucke, September 1978 to
October 1979; Lieutenant Colonel Darwin M. Way, 17 October 1979 to June 1980;
Mr. Waldemar A. Anderson, June 1980 to March 1981; and Mr. Richard S.
Christian, March 1981 to present.


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