The ANTPR presented these figures, along with others, in its draft
"History of the Army Nuclear Test Personnel Review (1978-1986)," the only such
summary developed by an NTPR service team (10).

Unless otherwise documented,

the following sections are drawn from this 55-page text.
2.3.1 Objectives.
In 1978, the ANTPR begin pursuing its assigned tasks by researching Army
documents, developing a data base, and corresponding with individual

participants (11).

It concentrated first on personnel identification and

records retrieval for the test series involving Desert Rock troop exercises,
performed at the test site to train troops in tactics for possible use on a
nuclear battlefield.

The series incorporating these exercises were Operation

BUSTER-JANGLE (1951), Operation TUMBLER-SNAPPER (1952), Operation
UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE (1953), Operation TEAPOT (1955), and Operation PLUMBBOB

This particular focus was selected because of the continuing Centers

for Disease Control (CDC) epidemiological investigation of Shot SMOKY, which
was one of the PLUMBBOB tests, and because of Congressional requests for

After completing this phase of the research, the ANTPR team

turned its attention to Army participants in the oceanic series of nuclear

ANTPR researched the available service and medical records for
participants and reviewed the morning reports of Army units.

The effort was

challenging because of inadequate documentation of Army personnel

The 1973 fire at the St. Louis National Personnel Records Center had
destroyed at least 85 percent of the Army personnel records for
veterans who had left the service from 1912 to 1959.


About 50 percent of the Army participants in the nuclear tests had
taken part in Desert Rock units, which were provisional and thus did
not require permanent record keeping.


The extant records do not provide sufficient information on personnel
activities and locations at the test site.

To gain the needed information, ANTPR researchers had to check virtually every
morning report for every unit identified as having participated in the


Select target paragraph3