This volume quantifies program results in several places, particularly in
Section 1.4, NTPR Program Accomplishments; Section 1.5, Summary of Radiation
Doses; and in the "Results" sections of chapter 2; as well as in chapters 3
and 4.

These statistics are current as of 1 May 1986, when research for this

book was completed.

As additional information becomes available, there may be

minor adjustments to some of the numbers.
To facilitate the reading of this volume, the most current and commonly
accepted names of locations and organizations are generally used throughout
the text.

Hence, the continental test site, which was called the Nevada

Proving Ground from 1952 to 1955, is consistently referred to as the Nevada
Test Site.

Pacific Proving Ground is used as the designation of the primary

oceanic site, which was also sometimes termed the Eniwetok Proving Ground or
Bikini Proving Ground.

In addition, the weapons development laboratories are

cited by their present designations:

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL),

instead of Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL), as it was known earlier;
and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), rather than previous names,
such as University of California Radiation Laboratory (UCRL).
A theme persists in For the Record.

The purpose of the NTPR program is

to provide information and assistance to the public, particularly to observers
of and participants in atmospheric nuclear testing and in the Hiroshima/
Nagasaki occupation.

The accent of the Nuclear Test Personnel Review program

has been, and continues to be, on personnel.

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