Chapter 6 focuses not on the nuclear tests but on the U.S. postwar

occupation of Japan.

Entitled "The Atomic Bombing and U.S. Occupation of

Hiroshima and Nagasaki," the chapter describes the detonations, the initial
and residual radiation, and the participation and radiation doses of U.S.
occupation troops.

DNA expanded the NTPR program in 1979 to incorporate

research and assistance efforts on behalf of the former occupation troops.
Chapter 7, Radiation Dose Determination, focuses on dose determination
for both the veterans of nuclear testing and the Hiroshima/Nagasaki occupation.

It discusses the use of film badge data from badged personnel to

estimate individual doses for unbadged personnel.

In addition,

it presents

the methods for dose reconstruction employed when film badge data were
unavailable or unrepresentative of individual or group activities.

Chapter 8, Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation and Medical Followup
Studies of Veterans, addresses two topics.

It first discusses the health

effects of ionizing radiation as generally understood by both national and
international experts.

The chapter then summarizes the epidemiological

studies of the veterans of the nuclear tests and the Hiroshima/Nagasaki

The studies have been conducted by the Centers for Disease

Control, the Argonne National Laboratory, the National Research Council of the
National Academy of Sciences, and the Office of Technology Assessment.
The six appendices are designed to assist the reader in using this volume
and in conducting additional research.

Appendix A, Chronology of Selected

Events Relevant to the NTPR Program, highlights key information presented in
the text.

Appendix B, Glossary, defines technical and organizational terms

pertinent to the commentary, and Appendix C lists abbreviations and acronyms.
Appendix D, Public Resources for Documents on Atmospheric Nuclear Weapons
Testing, discusses the availability of documents for purchase at the National
Technical Information Service (NTIS) and for research at the Coordination and

Information Center.

Appendix E identifies the DNA personnel-oriented

histories of atmospheric nuclear testing, all of which are for sale at NTIS
and available for review at the CIC.

The volume ends with Appendix F,

Selected Bibliography, which specifies selected resources that should be
available through major public and university libraries.


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