been made in November 1954. The Majuro and
Jabor missions were completed by 6 April. Inclement weather prevented landing men and
materials on Kili Island; the materials for this
project were therefore landed at Jabor for use
by Trust Territory personnel in accordance with
an agreement between the AEC and Trust
Territory authorities.
In early March 1955, the scope of work
involved with scientific stations and other facilities needed in support of these stations was de-

lineated sufficiently to permit planning camps,

locating sites for aggregate quarries and concrete batching plants, establishing material
stockpiles of construction items, and projecting
manpower, equipment, and marine craft requirements. This planning contemplated those problems that are characteristic of operations at
the PPG. The need for flexibility in plans was
essential because of the program changes that
would inevitably occur. These changes in scope
of work, combined with budgetary requirements
and limited transportation, called for careful

checks and balances to assure adequate anticipation of manpower, equipment, and materials.
Because the extent of work ultimately far exceeded the original scope, hurried increases in

manpower, equipment, and construction ma-

terials had to be effected late in the construction
phase of the Operation.

Construction of 200-man camps at Yvonne
and Ursula was authorized on 15 April 1955, a
125-man camp was authorized at Fox on 30

April, and 200-man camps were authorized at
Tare and Gene on 9 June 1955. The construction of these shot-island camps was routine and
followed along well-established lines.

Figure 2-15.

Bulkhead Construction

From April 1955 until early October 1955,
the construction force was primarily engaged
in work on these camps and

other temporary

base facilities needed in connection with the
scientific test program. The airstrips at Elmer,
Yvonne, Ursula, and Janet were placed in operable condition, and the causeways linking DogCharlie, Ruby-Sally, Gene-Irene and Sugar-Tare
were reconstructed. An LST ramp and mole was
built at Nan and the facilities at all sites for
landing men and materials by marine craft,
were improved or rebuilt. In August, funds were
made available for construction of the ware
houses, shops, and the Administration-Opera
tions building as well as the expansion of POL
facilities at Fred; construction on several cf
these structures was started in September 195!
On 9 September, the first mission for the estat
lishment of weather stations departed Elmer for
During this period very little could be a
complished with respect to scientific structures
because criteria had not been firmed sufficiently
to permit release of drawings, with the res ;

that by 15 October construction progress


this phase was estimated to be only 2 per cent

complete. In early October, drawings were re-

ceived and work was started on the construct’ 3
of three man-madeislands on the Dog-Cha e
reef, two causeways and an island off Yvonue,
and a causeway off Sally, all of which were
required in connection with scientific proje ‘s.
About this time work was also started on ba: 2s
to be used as zero stations and on tower aud
guy anchor footings for zero towers. Shortly
thereafter, working drawings for the var wu

Figure 2-14.

Page 2-16


other stations started to arrive at Jobsite. 35
the end of December 1955, the construc..o!
effort had been shifted mostly to scientifi
structures work.

Select target paragraph3